Anti reflux milk


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2014
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Has anyone else tried using Aptimil anti reflux milk? For some reason it just won't dissolve :S have tried everything and it just stays in big gooey lumps, have paid a lot of money for it and now will have to throw it away! Anyone else experienced this?
No experience of the Aptimal stuff, we used sma which is slightly different cos it needs to be chilled. I found with it you have to use a fork to mix it in and then leave it about half an hour before feeding LO other wise it was full of lumps.
It's a nightmare! Have been trying to mash the lumps out with a clean spoon but there's just too many, I know it's meant to be thick but lordy! xo
We are using aptamil anti-reflux. How are you making it up? Unlike other formulas it can't be made up in very hot water - I think this might be what is causing your clumps. We had the same issue at the beginning. The instructions on the packet say to use hand-hot water. We've found this (or body temperature water) works fine although you do have to really shake it. There are lots of pitfalls with this formula (the fact you can't use very hot water, the serious shaking needed, the fact that even when it is mixed well about a centimetre of foam is left in the bottle even when it is 'empty') but for us it has been a godsend as my little one is no longer throwing up everywhere and is starting to gain some proper weight. Hurrah. We've had lots of teething problems and have figured things out through trial and error (and google!) so happy to answer any other questions you've got. :)
We are using aptamil anti-reflux. How are you making it up? Unlike other formulas it can't be made up in very hot water - I think this might be what is causing your clumps. We had the same issue at the beginning. The instructions on the packet say to use hand-hot water. We've found this (or body temperature water) works fine although you do have to really shake it. There are lots of pitfalls with this formula (the fact you can't use very hot water, the serious shaking needed, the fact that even when it is mixed well about a centimetre of foam is left in the bottle even when it is 'empty') but for us it has been a godsend as my little one is no longer throwing up everywhere and is starting to gain some proper weight. Hurrah. We've had lots of teething problems and have figured things out through trial and error (and google!) so happy to answer any other questions you've got. :)

Sounds like the SMA stuff! I got to the point with it I just made the bottles in batches in advance other wise I would have been messing about with them all flipping day.
I have a perfect prep bottle making machine now so it does just go into warmish milk, that did work better but there were still lumps and it also didn't help his discomfort so just gonna get rid, maybe reflux isn't his problem! Think I might try the comfort milk next time, thanks for the advice though :) xo
I have always made reflux milk with the prep using the hot shot - shaking like mad for about 20 seconds - then filling up with the rest

Never had a problem with lumps - nor have friends ?
Also made formula with boiling water and never had a problem!
We are still using the Aptamil anti reflux milk with the perfect prep machine. We used a formula mixer to dissolve it. I'll see if I can find a pic. They are just cheap on amazon.

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