Another one bites the dust!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Witch got me just this second! B*tch couldn't even have waited till I got out of bed! Me and OH just had to abandon ship ( bed lol ).

Oh well this was the last cycle of trying too... Not because I'm bitter or sulking but because a work colleague has just announced her pregnancy.. Very happy for her because i just found out she had been trying for a very long time so I feel no hard feelings at all :)

Problem is .... I'm her back up and she is mine .. If I went and got pregnant now it would make me look unreliable. :(

So I'll be placing myself in WTT for a year.


Sorry to hear witch got you and also that you feel you have to put TTC on hold. xx
Sorry she got you hun.

And stuff work, its up to you if you wanna TTC or not.
I'm so so sorry Lou :cry:

I do think that you are being a bit reactive to the situation about you putting yourself in WTT for a year.

Your explaination doesn't make any sense :eh:

Take some time out and think things through, you're going to be alright :hug:

Hopefully we'll see you back very soon xx
Thanks girls :)

Lol your right it didn't make sense, im not fully awake yet.

What I mean is .. I was hired to be my colleagues back up if she ever got pregnant or hit my a bus etc... It has taken 4 years to train me into my position so training somebody new would be difficult.. We are the only two who are trained to do that particular job. If I got pregnant now whilst she is and we where both of on maternity at the same time it would leave my works in a difficult situation and they would struggle.

I have pestered and pestered for the bosses to get another colleague trained up but they haven't listened to me. I guess there is nothing stopping me from getting pregnant at the same time as my colleague but I'm thinking about how it would affect my respect rating for my career ( does that make sense? )

Do I think I'm being paranoid? Do you think the bosses would be annoyed?? ( there all men lol )

sorry you feel like you have to be like this bab, just seems being a woman in today's society brings more hassle than what we need. it will happen for you hun, hope ur ok? xx :hugs:
Sorry she got you :( she's having a busy couple of days. If I'm being honest I would say you have to put yourself before work. I do not think you should wait as you could end up regretting it. At the end of the day business is business and if for some reason they had to make you redundant or cut jobs they would not worry or think twice about it. You have to look after number one and jobs will always come and go. I say keep trying xx
You have to think about your own life here Lou, I understand you are respected in your job, but you can't put it before your own happiness, what's too say that your collegue is going to come back after her maternity leave? If she doesn't then you would be holding the fort until they get a replacement for her another 4/5 year wait, no I think you should think of yourself and gently persuade them to get another person trained up asap xx
Sorry if I sound harsh, it isn't meant to come across that way just don't know how else to say it,
Really sorry the witch got you this time though xxx
I know it isn't the same situation, but I put TTC off for a year cos I said I would be one of my best friends bridesmaids, and I didn't want to let her down by not being able to do it with a huge bump. I had naively thought at the time I would be pregnant relatively quickly and easily.

Now she's married with a 5month baby boy, and 2 years after starting to try I'm still waiting :eek:/ If I could do it again, I would probably just be selfish and start trying, if I had I would have been a year further forward, and really I doubt she would have been that upset if I had been pregnant at her wedding.

I would just go for it, after all you never know what could happen in the future with your job.
Aw Lou im so sorry she got you. I have the same thoughts as the other ladies your happiness should come before your job. If you are on maternity leave at the same time as your college there are always temps they can bring in i know this would not be ideal for your bosses but you have asked them for quite some time to train someone so this is not your fault but theres. you dont know when you will get your bfb so you might not even be off at the same time. have a really good think about it hun and do wot feels right for you. we are all here if you need a chat xxxxxx
Phew, I'm glad a few ladies have posted somewhat more eloquently what I thought. Mine would have been tough s*** for your work, they wouldn't show u the same regard.

Don't put you life on hold for them. It's there problem if they don't have adequate provision.

Ummm I might be feeling a bit bolshy today.
i really agree with the others. Please dont put ttc on hold for your job. Its your life you should have a baby when you want not base it round work. Im sorry she got you again its really not fair
Hi Hun!

Really sorry she got you in the end.:hugs:

I would definitely keep trying, the chances of conception each month are 1 in 4 and if you end up getting preggers in 6 months from now, you shouldn't overlap your maternity leave by too long, and you never know, fingers crossed it doesn't, something could go wrong with her pregnancy.

Look after number one, also you don't want to put the evil pill in your system again.

Do I think I'm being paranoid? Do you think the bosses would be annoyed?? ( there all men lol )

I think the bosses would think it was bloody typical, but so what ;)

No one can respect you less for getting pregnant when your equal has also got pregnant.

Do you think that if you would have got pregnant first that your colleague would have stopped ttc? No she wouldn't ;)

Have you thought about maybe talking to your colleague about it - i imagine that she will be the only one that will be able to reassure you.

Plus as long as you told work as soon as your got pregnant, they'd have several month to start training up someone and you and your collegue could also help out on the odd days while on materinty leave - you don't have to do zero hours, you could do one day a week or whatever you are comfortable with and that would probably gain you respect overall :)
hey loopylou, so so sorry she got you!! i hope you are ok xx

i just wanted to say pretty much what everyone else said. just before i got my bfp i had an interview for my dream job (i've been studying a postgrad for 2 years while working full time) this job really meant the world to me. Well, I had the interview one day and a few days later - i got my bfp, i was then called for a second interview. for a week i sat there wondering what to do, in the end i decided to tell the company i wouldn't be coming for the 2nd interview as in my current job it has great maternity benefits etc (i didn't tell them that bit!).

i have to say, everyday i wonder if i've made a mistake by not going to the second interview and putting this baby first, and no matter how much i think about it, i know that right now in my life, providing a good start is more important, i can go back to my career in 12 months time. i know you've been trying for a year now, i dont think you should give up, ultimately no one is legally entitled to cause you any detriment in any way whatsover for having a baby. as i've got older i've realised u have to put yourself first as no one else will!! xxxx
I have read all your posts earlier and had a lil think about things and realised that your all indeed right. My job is just a job, not my life!

Louise your idea is a really good one. I think talking to my colleague is a no no until I do get pregnant (if lol) as I have never told anybody about TTC but even so your suggestion is an option.

I think my next step now is to take a trip to the doctors as I was told to go back if nothing had changed in 3 months since I last went. Its such a slow process!! Blaaa! OH works away Monday to Friday on most occasion so getting him to the doctors is proving impossible.. not just the fact that he works away but the fact he says he would be embarrassed and doesn't want to go. So im slowly trying to coax him into the idea without pushing him. He still has the "no rush" attitude which I will soon beat out of him. :)
Sorry the witch got you, and I agree with the others! I would like to add on to the do it for yourself, and put yourself first, because there is one more you can do it for, and that is your baby! He or she is actually already inside you as an egg, (and I personally believe that we existed as spirits before we are born, mabye he or she is waiting for you to get pregnant?) So put yourself, and the baby I'm sure you will have first. I'm sure when you have him/her in your arms, even if it caused some extra hassle for your work place you will look into that little face and you will know that you love him/her more than anything and wouldn't trade having her at the time you did for anything in the world. (and especially not to be "nice" to your bosses...). Family first I say!
It IS however really nice that you do want to be good and reliable and that you are thinking of others! That's excellent! Just put family first :).
(That's my opinion anyway, everyone is entitled to their own, and I know a lot of people nowadays would disagree with that.. nice to see so many here don't though :) )
Looks I replied a little late lol. At least it might help support the great decision you've already made! :D
Congratulations on that :) And good luck at your doctors appointment and of course lots and lots of :dust:

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