Another movements questions.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2014
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Baby moved like crazy a week or so ago.. every day throughout the day and especially in the evenings where I could see my belly moving around and change shape.

The last couple of days they have changed. I can still feel her sometimes but very soft and not strong as before.

Is this normal or should I call midwife?
If you're worrying about it, call the mw. If you're still feeling things though, all should be fine! I think sometimes they turn inward so the jabs are more towards your innards, if that makes sense - when I was at the same stage as you, that used to happen quite a bit, movements but more dull than usual, and it would worry me too... usually, a couple of days later, they'd be kicking like mad again! But really, if you have any concerns, it's better to have it checked out - better to be safe than sorry. I'm terribly bad for leaving it always! X
It is likely to be nothing to worry about as baby can move position which makes movements less evident but please never take the chance and if anything is out of the ordinary for you call your midwife for a check up. X
Thanks ladies, I might wait until tomorrow and see how she moves. I have felt a couple of movements just now so she is definitely doing stuff but cant feel it as much. Last week I was in agony when she kicked so I should really be thankful but you know how it is :)

She probably has moved and kicks inwards. xx
I keep getting this.

Movements are really weird at the moment, like s/he's prodding me from the inside.

I'm not getting really big kicks but I never did really, now and again I get a few 'bigger' or stronger movements, otherwise it's more what I'd describe as "squirmy" lol.
And hiccups about 3 times a day LOL.
Mine seems to get angry if hiccups go on for too long and starts writhing about!

Mine doesn't have them for too long, usually only a few minutes at a time at the most :)
Mine moves lots for 5 mins then nothing for hours! X
How's things? X

She has come back with full force! OMG, feels like belly is turning inside out :)

When she kicks downwards it hurts sometimes, normal I assume?

thanks for all your replies ladies xx
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Mine moves lots for 5 mins then nothing for hours! X

Mine as well. Really active and then quite for ages. My midwife asked me to count kicks or start looking for a pattern and if baby not following pattern call midwife. But I find that so hard.. There is no pattern and she kicks randomly.. for example when I have eaten, lie down etc. but not at specific times..

Are you all counting kicks and does your baby follow kick patterns?

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