spasm like fetal movements at 30 wks


Sep 27, 2006
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hi everyone, hope you are all feeling ok.

For the last couple of weeks, my lo has been moving around much more than normal, and his movements appear to have changed. I am getting stronger movements as I would expect as he gets bigger, but also lots of spasms. It feels like he is having a fit in there? does anyone else get this? It happens pretty regular throughout the day.

I told my midwife (who is pretty useless, nearing 70 and can hardly hear me to be honest) and she just said 'oh its ok' without a second question (I think she probably thought i'd asked her about her lunch or something).

thanks guys!
Dolly xx
i get this all the time, i got it with my second as well was really worried but had healthy little girl, i dont actually know why they do it, but your womb is very sensitive and can pick up any tiny movements, also this pregnancy i can feel, which sometimes is annoying a pulsing sensation,its to quick to be hiccups, bit worried as to what that could be, but im assured baby is fine, so probably another strange movement..... im sure your baby is ok, just having a good move about :) xxxx
I get the same thing its quite uncomfortabe when he does it...not sure what he's up to though
I had this a few days ago.

Felt like he was shaking or having a fit then just started kicking regukarly again.

It was very freaky but have had loads of normal movements since so no idea what it was??

ive felt this, lots of little movements and i did have the awful thought go thru my mind that she was having a fit- i thought it was just me thinking that because my boyf has epilepsy. i shook the thought out of my head quickly coz its not a nice thought to have! i'm sorry youve felt worried like this but it is kinda reassuring that its not just me who's had that and worried about it!
i think our little ones are just wiggly!

Our LO does it a lot, I imagine it's him getting really excited about something, starting to notice he does it at certain things, noise/food, my friend believes it's LO turning round, rolling, but it does seem quite a regular occurence having read many Mummys say they've felt similar feelings, nothing to worry about :hug: Your MW sounds interesting though dolly :lol:
baby might be having a stretch like we do and it makes there body judder well thats what i think anyway.
I got the same, felt like he was having a fit or something but Ive noticed he does similar movements when he's dreaming, god knows what about lol!

I get the same i think its just them moving about , somtimes i wish we could see right through our tummys to see what they are up to :)
I had that feeling when I was pregnant and when Tom was born, he had a shaky leg that jittered. The paediatrician picked up on it but said it was nothing to worry about but it explained the strange feelings when I was carrying him!
I get this a lot......DH always fidgets in bed, so I'm convinced she's gonna take after him & be a fidget!! I think she just jolts, and twitches and the feeling is probably intensified by the lack of room.....sometimes her jolts are quite painful, othertimes just lots of you say almost like she's having a fit.....I think its all pretty normal hun.

Thank god im not the only one! I was getting worried and was gonna make a post about it, but now i know its perfectly normal! Thanks girlies!! :D :D Man i love this forum!! :dance: :dance: :cheer: :cheer:

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