Another Maternity leave question


Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2011
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Gosh - can't quite believe I am now actually looking at dates :shock: :shock:

Just wondered what everyone else is doing?

I know that some people tack holiday onto maternity leave but I also know if you were to have an early baby you lose your holidays :roll:

I am due on 5th November and my payday is the 26th of each month...

I was tempted to work until 12th October and then take 2 weeks leave (that takes me up until 26th October)

Although that is cutting it a bit fine? Means maternity leave will start just the week before I am due?

I just thought that having my leave up until payday at least will mean I get a full salary in October as well?

I know it is all dependant on my health and the baby, I know anything could happen BUT this was just my initial thoughts?

I am going a week before baby is due, I need the money that's just a fact so I can't really go early. Some people want time to themselves before becomign a 24/7 mother others are just okay with having more paid time at the end of the 9 months it's all relative.
you shouldnt loose your holidays if baby early you should start mat leave early and the holidays just rolls over to next least that what happens with mine
i think its quite normal to start mat leave v close to due date and have hols beforehand.
im havin 2 weeks hols and a weeks maternity beofre due date sop finishing when im 37 weeks.
I'm starting mat leave 4 week before edd, but then taking 3 weeks leave prior to that so I fin 10th Aug, edd 27th Sep. We are strongly encouraged to take all annual leave prior to starting mat leave, its working out nicely as I'm currently doing 4 day weeks to use leave, a week off in June, a week in July then fin...cannot wait!
Im the same, I've put it into perspective that most, not all I know that, but most of the time, first time babies are late, well everyone I know has been late...
So mine might be late too..
I'm due 16th September, and I'm going to try and take leave from 3rd September.
I don't need to be off, plus I want more time with my baby when he's here rather than being at home waiting around!
Oh yeah I would take all your annual leave first if u can, I definately am so I don't have to carry it over and can leave earlier without losing full pay
Thanks ladies,

Of course it all depends on bub being happy and healthy and I would rather use holiday up until 26th October and then I'll have full pay that month as well.

I can decide closer to the time if I want to take 2 weeks holiday prior to starting maternity leave or just the one week? If I choose to go with just one week then I'll have a week off in September!

I know first babies are usually late but what has really made me worry is that my nephew (S-I-L's first baby) was born 12 days early, she left work on Friday her waters broke on the Saturday and my nephew was born early hours of that Monday :shock: :shock: so sometimes first babies do come early!

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Thanks ladies,

Of course it all depends on bub being happy and healthy and I would rather use holiday up until 26th October and then I'll have full pay that month as well.

I can decide closer to the time if I want to take 2 weeks holiday prior to starting maternity leave or just the one week? If I choose to go with just one week then I'll have a week off in September!

I know first babies are usually late but what has really made me worry is that my nephew (S-I-L's first baby) was born 12 days early, she left work on Friday her waters broke on the Saturday and my nephew was born early hours of that Monday :shock: :shock: so sometimes first babies do come early!


Ooo my!!

I think if you have the baby early, so long as you let work know, you can start the Mat leave early I think? xx
Thanks ladies,

Of course it all depends on bub being happy and healthy and I would rather use holiday up until 26th October and then I'll have full pay that month as well.

I can decide closer to the time if I want to take 2 weeks holiday prior to starting maternity leave or just the one week? If I choose to go with just one week then I'll have a week off in September!

I know first babies are usually late but what has really made me worry is that my nephew (S-I-L's first baby) was born 12 days early, she left work on Friday her waters broke on the Saturday and my nephew was born early hours of that Monday :shock: :shock: so sometimes first babies do come early!


I don't want to think about first babies coming early, I am gambling on mine coming right on time LOL
omg i know i was only gonna be off 10 days beofre due date but then 3 people i know had first babies 2 weeks early!
that has freaked me out!
ha ha ha
I would like to work as long as possible if Im up to it and get the time at the other end with minion but have provisionally said to my boss that I will finish 4 weeks before so will start mat leave 31st August at the moment. Obviously if Im not up to it I will finish earlier.

We have to use all our holiday entitelement up before we go off so think I have just short of four weeks to use between now and end August (boss doesny seem concerned that time is going on so Im not either)

Once we have had our 20 week scan I will make her sit down and go through things like mat leave, mat pay and maybe she will finally do my blooming workstation assessment which she said she would do after I passed 12 weeks (:eh: thats 7 weeks overdue now) xx
Yep - sadly not all first babies are fashionably late!

At my workplace the holiday run Jan - Dec and you can carry over a maximum of 8 days but they have to be used by the end of March the following year.

So if I took two weeks leave, but had bub a week into that leave I'd most likely lose that other week as I am not sure if they can give it back to me whilst I am on maternity leave?

It's all so confusing.

It doesn't help that I am only the second person in the 11 years I have worked here to be pregnant so the accountant who also does HR is having to wing it a little bit!!

My due date was 31st march. I started mat leave on 26th march and took 2 weeks annual leave before that so I finished 37 weeks pregnant on 9th march.

I was lucky and it worked out for me but had I had the baby on 10th march I would have lost 2 weeks of annual leave (and full pay). The maternity policy states that mat leave will start the day the baby is born and as it was march I couldn't carry over my leave for 2 years. Which is what it would have been because I wouldn't be back at work until end of march 2013 if I had a full year.

Just something for you to consider, check out the hr policy.

In addition, I really struggled towards the end, even getting out of bed in the morning was a chore tbh so don't underestimate how you might be at the end xx
My due date was 31st march. I started mat leave on 26th march and took 2 weeks annual leave before that so I finished 37 weeks pregnant on 9th march.

I was lucky and it worked out for me but had I had the baby on 10th march I would have lost 2 weeks of annual leave (and full pay). The maternity policy states that mat leave will start the day the baby is born and as it was march I couldn't carry over my leave for 2 years. Which is what it would have been because I wouldn't be back at work until end of march 2013 if I had a full year.

Just something for you to consider, check out the hr policy.

In addition, I really struggled towards the end, even getting out of bed in the morning was a chore tbh so don't underestimate how you might be at the end xx

Thanks hun,

I think it's actually really helpful to have the opinions of people that have had babies!!

My company is a bit crappy with HR, the accountant does all that stuff and she isn't qualified :shock: :shock:

I will sit down with her in a few weeks (after 16 week check up maybe) and thrash it all out.

I don't want to lose my holiday but I don't want to be sat at home waiting for the baby to come for weeks and weeks!

It's a toughie!

I reduced my working week with holidays, it's hard being heavily pregnant and working. I rolled over 5 days leave and took a further 5 weeks off after my mat leave, then did a phased return to work with the remainder of my leave.
I'm going to use three weeks worth (15 days) annual leave from the 20th July before my EDD on the 10th August, we are encouraged to use all of our AL entitlement before taking ML.... my ML kicks in on the day LO ios due and we do not loose our leave if LO is early x
I actually sat down and worked all of my dates out yesterday.

I will be taking mat leave 4 weeks before edd and I have 3 weeks holiday added on to that. So I will be leaving work at 33 wks.
This is sensible to me as last time I worked FT to 34wks and it was awful, I was more than ready to leave. I'm now PT and have AJ as well and I'm just shattered. Work is hard being on my feet all day and I think I may have trouble later on.

We cant carry any holiday over so have had to use my full entitlement, so I technically have 13 weeks left at work :shock: x
I'm due on 1st Nov, finishing work on 12th October and using 2 weeks leave, so starting Mat Leave on 29th October - so long as everything is OK!
I'm due on 1st Nov, finishing work on 12th October and using 2 weeks leave, so starting Mat Leave on 29th October - so long as everything is OK!

How does it work with your holiday if bub was to arrive say a week early?


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