Another feeling ungrateful post


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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Me and OH have started getting boxes of stuff ready for the house and when we get the keys. We have already started buying simple things like cutlery and a knife set and my mum has gone through a clear out of cupboards and given us some kitchen stuff and bedding.

OHs family found out about our starting to organise stuff and made it quite clear that they are wanting to help us out too, particularly his brother and mum. I was asked to write a list of things we need so I have done and Ive given it them. Now his brother and mum dont bother me at all because they have asked me and OH specifically what we want and that is what we will get.

His sister and SIL on the other hand seem to have gone into complete control freak mode and even though Ive specified where to get the items from and where they are cheapest and what colour etc. they seem to be doing the complete opposite and finding things that are actually more expensive and arent right. For example, I told SIL which plate set we have found thats cheap and what we want but instead she has found another set which contains placemats in and cutlery that we already have and is more expensive? Ive told her over 3 times that placemats are wasted on us because we wont have a table straight away. I know they will come in use at some point but at first Id rather she saved her money and just got necessities.

I dont want to sound ungrateful but Id rather they just saved their money :(! Im a bit particular as it is and I really just feel like I want just me and OH to go out and buy the stuff for our first house together so its what we want rather than having them interfere and chip in with their ideas.

I think this is my form of nesting because Ive not actually had chance to do it properly yet and I just want everything to be how just me and OH want it :(

I feel so ungrateful.

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