Another baby sling question


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2007
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Which baby sling have you got and how do you get on breastfeeding whilst wearing it?
I've got the mothercare sling carrier and today I made my first attempt to breastfeed Maya whilst wearing it - wasn't so successful though :( I was now checking on ebay for a fleece pouch, a friend of mine has it and I borrowed it one day and I found it very comfortable (didn't try to breastfeed her in it though - however I think it will be easier with that one). Which one have you got?
I've also got the MC carrier - the brown furry one. He's screamed the place down when I put him in it! guess it takes practice! Haven't really used it at all though
I had a coorie pouch, the fleecy type. It was very comfy and though I didnt bf I could see how it would be easy to do so.

i also have a pouch.. its brightsparks one.. and u can cover your breast with it as well as feed..i got a linen one tho as fleece can get a bit warm
lisa&alex said:
i also have a pouch.. its brightsparks one.. and u can cover your breast with it as well as feed..i got a linen one tho as fleece can get a bit warm

I loved my brightsparks one but your right fleece did get warm and Joe was a summer baby. I have a childs version for jess to take her rabbits around in.

Lisa, what colour is yours?
I got one of these...


It allows you to breast feed while on the move...

I chose this for several reasons...

1) its not padded etc so I can use it in Spain during the summer, gets a tad tosty here.. :rotfl:

2) I got it in black to match all my clothes so that people won't notice what I am doing because breast feeding in public is still heavily frowned upon.... Personally I don't care, and will bf'd in public, but I'd rather people not freak out...

3) it was cheap and lasts till they are three...

I had something similar with Tia and it made bf'ing out and about really easy... :)
Squiglet said:
I got one of these...


It allows you to breast feed while on the move...

I chose this for several reasons...

1) its not padded etc so I can use it in Spain during the summer, gets a tad tosty here.. :rotfl:

2) I got it in black to match all my clothes so that people won't notice what I am doing because breast feeding in public is still heavily frowned upon.... Personally I don't care, and will bf'd in public, but I'd rather people not freak out...

3) it was cheap and lasts till they are three...

I had something similar with Tia and it made bf'ing out and about really easy... :)

Thanks - I ordered one so we'll have to see how we get on. You never know, I might splash out the fiver for the pattern and make my own!
i have blue stripy linen one.. not used it yet tho obviously.. well tried out with charl dolly lol..
Kylie1007 said:
Squiglet said:
I got one of these...

2) I got it in black to match all my clothes so that people won't notice what I am doing because breast feeding in public is still heavily frowned upon.... Personally I don't care, and will bf'd in public, but I'd rather people not freak out...


Thanks - I ordered one so we'll have to see how we get on. You never know, I might splash out the fiver for the pattern and make my own!

Yeah, the stripey coorie was a tad conspicous. If I get another coorie for this baby I will get black or try black in the one you had.

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