Another argh!!! at midwife..! *updated but no news*


Well-Known Member
Dec 25, 2006
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Because I changed doctors surgery, I went to a booking in type registration appointment with the nurses there this morning.

They said I've got another water infection and also sugar in the urine so possible Gestational Diabetes.

Argh at my midwife - I only had an appointment a week and a bit ago and she said everything was fine..

So I have to go for the diabetes test on Friday morning, for like 2 hours. Argh. :wall: and back on antibitotics for a week again. If I hadn't had this random check up I bet I wouldn't have even known and just ended up in hospital again.
Take a book michelle and some good magazines cos man there boring.And they make you drink lucozade yuk!

Good luck though and hope your ok cos i have just been given the all clear
If I do have the pregnancy diabetes, does it mean I have to have a C section or do they just make little effort come out earlier? Really don't want a C :(
They said to me if i had it they would check the size if the baby as time went on and if it got too big then they induce me.
I have sugar in my urine too but midwife took blood from me and I'm waiting for results. Is that the normal procedure or am I supposed to have some other test? :?
Just realised my last post was my 666th post :twisted: ...wwooo000...

That's good as long as they're cool with making it come out early :)
Well the ladies too speak to about the condition are wend and peachy as they actually have diabetes and know loads more bout bit rthen me
Snuggle said:
I have sugar in my urine too but midwife took blood from me and I'm waiting for results. Is that the normal procedure or am I supposed to have some other test? :?

Thats what my last midwife did and never got back to me with results and so I was to assume they were all clear if I hadn't heard from her...

But obviously not all clear :(

I have to go in at 9am, have blood test, then drink like lucozade or something like it, then have another blood test 2 hours later and see what it says..

Maybe it varies depending on your doctors?
Hmmm :think:

Think I will give her a call and check whats going on :wink:
I think it will depend on you hun. My friend had gestational diabeties with both her kids and had c-sections at 38 weeks both times. But a girl who works with DH also had it and just gave birth naturally the other day after going 14 days overdue. They told her her baby will be at least 10lbs but he was only 8lbs. Good luck for Friday.
Oh god it's all happening today isn't it? There are different tests for diabetes. The blood test is probably a random glucose or a fasting glucose test depending on whether or not you were asked to fast beforehand. These are normally done before the glucose tolerance test (the 2 hour one with lucozade) if either the random or the fasting comes back positive the next step is to check exactly how quickly you are clearing glucose out of your system because this is a good measurement of whether or not you can attempt diet control or you need insulin.

Try not to worry but do ask lots of questions. Leckershell, To be fair you might not have had G diabetes last week it comes on suddenly in pregnancy and once you see the specialist they will do another test called a glycosolated haemoglobin test to determine how well maintained your blood glucose levels have been maintained over a longer period of time ie how long you have been undiagnosed diabetic. see my other posts in this link: ... hp?t=38738

As for c-section as opposed to induction it depends on a lot of factors which you won't be able to gauge until near the time the baby is to be born. If you do well and get your blood sugars under control well very early and baby is well and doesn't grow too big there is no reason why you can't go to term and deliver normally. If you are on insulin there could be consequences for the baby after the birth but you will have a paediatrician or two on hand at the birth to manage these possible problems (see my posts) However, sometimes with the best will in the world, the type and severity of the diabetes can mean it is very hard to control properly and in cases like this especially if baby is very big, it might be better for baby to be born quite early. If this is the case it is very unlikely that your cervix will be ripe enough for induction to work successfully - you will have an examination (internal) to check whether or not it is) If it is not ready as mine wasn't at 35 weeks you will be booked in for an elective c-section. With the pain killers today though recovery is very quick - Just make sure you get the bloody pain killers!!!!! :) A general rule of thumb is the closer you are to term and the smaller the babe the better chances or vaginal birth.
I hope this helps but please ask me anything. I want to help you. :think: Try not to worry though xxx
I hope your test shows nothing wrong. Try not to worry too much because it might just be a temporary thing that you had the sugar in your urine. The big test might show nothing. :hug:
Good Luck for Friday honey.... bl**dy midwifes hey!
Well I had the tests this morning :| not much fun sitting in the surgery for 2 hours, though a jeremy clarkson book kept me suitably entertained.

And the glucose drink was rank btw if anyone else has to have it.

I get to find out on Tuesday whether I have the diabetes or not, as they have to send the bloods off and won't know til Monday. They said if I don't hear on Monday then to assume everything is fine, but if I want to be told either way to wait until Tuesday and call in.

Fun fun fun!
Good luck for next Monday/ Tuesday honey, try to keep busy to stop yourself dwelling too much :hug:
Good luck for the results Michelle :pray: I hope they come back ok.

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