Another 4 month sleep regression question?

Mrs. KM

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2011
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I think K is starting her 4 month sleep regression and her naps have gone to crap. I worked hard to get her to finally nap in her crib and now since yesterday she puts up a huge fuss and screams like crazy. We are also visiting my inlaws so not sure if it is the new environment or the sleep regression that is the issue. Has anyne else had napping issues during the sleep regression?
Funnily enough the nights were a nightmare but the days were really good so no advice here im afraid!! Hope it works itself out soon for you tho!!
Hun I have no advice as am going through the same . Fingers crossed it gets better soon xxx

I've accepted that of we're away from home his sleeps go to the dogs! We've just got back from a week away I'm exhausted!

Ok, I guess I might as well just go with the flow for now. We are visiting oh's parents until Sunday, and then I am off to visit my parents for two and a half weeks. Oh well!
2 1/2 weeks might be enough time to settle?

I must say I've lived a 5 month long regression! He started getting better last week and we went away :wall:

I didn't realise there is a 4 month sleep regression phase! But makes sense now why Harlow is being a royal pain in the behind with her sleeping! X
I was just going to suggest this on your other thread Louise! Lol Xx

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Yep, we had major nap issues with the 4month sleep regression- not that Ethan was fab before but it went to pot! Nights were worse too so generally it was a v stressful time! Don't think change in environment does them any favours but if they aren't gonna sleep at home anyway its the same difference I guess?!....We just rode it out and bit by bit things improved! Wish I had some better advice other than do whatever u need to to stay sane! Lol! It will get better in time and for us after this phase Ethan was completely adorable! Hang in there x
I dont think Johs naps were affected as such by the regression but I think it has more to do with the fact that hes got more nosey and so now will only catnap. Just to offer some hope tho we are out if it already we had nearly 2 weeks of bad nights and now hes getting back to before....

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