How are you getting on JJ? Can't believe he was born over 3 weeks ago now!
Hi PP, things are just great thanks PP, can't believe he is over 3 weeks already too! it has gone far too fast, I want him to stay small and young and never grow up! ha ha (you can tell he is my last can't you!).
I also can't believe you just have 1 week to go now till you have your baby!! Remember when you got your BFP just after me, it has really flown.

Can't wait to see your new baby !!!
I'm doing great - , top of one leg still feels like it's been stitched to the Section bit, for some strange reason and tummy and top of leg is still green even now from bruising which is silly, but hope it goes soon.
Devon is still breastfeeding, so I'm proud of that, it's harder in some ways and much easier in others, so on balance I'm soo pleased I did it, and hope to last 1 year till he goes to cows milk, if I'm lucky.
He feeds all the time it seems and that can be a little hard , being a constant feed lady! I am tired esp at nights , but my family seems so complete and lovely. Devon weighed 7lb 8 oz on tuesday gone so he has gained loads , esp for a breastfed baby so he is doing very well, he is prob huge next time I get him weighed !!
I don't get to come on PF half as much as I would like now, and feel like I am missing a section on here and missing you guys, but It's really lovely to see all your other ladies that I have traveled through PF with have your babies and get to the finish line too.