Announcing a pregnancy after a loss


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2009
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I have a gorgeous 4 year old son and our daughter was born sleeping last year at 20 weeks.

I did the typical fb announcement with my son at twelve weeks but didn't announce with my daughter. I'd like to announce that we are expecting another baby after our 20 week scan but I'm acutely aware of how difficult it can be for other people to see these announcements, you just never know what others, even friends are going through or have been through and I want to be sensitive to that.

Any ideas how I could do that? I found a lovely picture to add rather than using our scan pic but open to ideas!
Megs that's beautiful! I totally agree with watching for others feelings as I remember the way I felt after our stillborn when friends/family were announcing their pregnancies x
Thanks mummymouse!
It's so hard isn't it. I remember thinking they must have trebled the amount of clearblue TV adverts, but was totally naive when I did my first fb announcement the impact it might have on others. I want to enjoy this pregnancy as much as I can. And at the same time want to let people know that Oirrinn is still very much a part of us, though a lot of people didn't even know I was pregnant!
Hi megs

I have been wondering the same thing. I remember how I felt seeing all those pregnancy announcements on facebook over a period of several years.

At the same time, a friend of mine (who will now never have children but went through years of drama herself) told me to 'enjoy' the pregnancy and not worry too much about that.

I am also waiting post-20 week scan before thinking about even hinting to the world, but have tried uptil this time to tell close friends (face to face where possible). I was thinking maybe a (fully-clothed) bump pic might do the trick - scans are a bit too intimate for my liking (people seeing inside your uterus... er.. weird!)
Thanks tinselcat. I think I'd say the same thing now too, regardless of the new pregnancy. I've told most people at work and the people I'd want to know if anything did happen.
I've had one person comment already that I don't hang around and that's bugged me a bit. I dont want folk to think Oirrinn doesn't matter anymore.
I don't have FB so there is not going to be any announcement from me (I was the same with James)

The thing is Meg you can't worry too much about other people, yes it may hurt if someone is going through a difficult time BUT I am sure most people will wish you well after all you've been through. I had many friends announce pregnancies and go on to have babies whilst I had loss after loss and I never begrudged them their happiness.

Lol I could just wait and announce the birth :)
I know, people will think what they like. I'll just be as sensitive as I can be, I think it's more for my peace of mind if I'm honest.
Fb makes the world a bit crazy eh!!
With Jess I did a FB post. Much as FB posts can be upsetting to people, I wanted so badly to enjoy this very important milestone having taken so long to get there and had so much heartbreak along the way. I don't think too many people had a problem as most people knew we'd had issues if not the details. x
I've got fb book never a announced my pregnancy on there. First people knew was when a pic went up of me at 36weeks! People I wanted to know and share my happiness were told personally by email etc. like tinselcat said scans are too personal to me to be putting up on fb xx

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