Annabel sylvie potter - god bless your soul...still born 32 + 4 xxx


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2013
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I don't have much to say other than on the 7th of June at 12.30 I gave birth to my sleeping baby girl. She contracted a virus through the placenter called Toxoplasmosis. I don't own a cat and didnt eat anything dangerous. This is so rare that my case has been documented at st George's. the damage was so severe it was catastrophic for her. I can but only plead with you all that it doesn't matter how much of a text book pregnancy you try to do, your baby is never safe. I don't want to scare anyone but it was just an utter shock which I am still trying to work out how this happened.

The labour was beautiful and very dignified. As devastated as I am I owe it to my girl to be strong. Every day for 3 weeks I wake up, go to the bathroom and weep and poor son doesn't deserve to see his mummy upset.

I can't even find any support groups of women who have contracted this virus which has affected their baby....all I know is that it can either be a mild case or a sever case...mine was severe....symtoms are glandular fever and swollen lymph nodes..which I had at 22 weeks gestation and was simply told by my gp "don't worry, it's just viral and your baby is safe"...... I didn't even do anything or go anywhere for months before as I had HG for such a long time.

Please be aware...that's all I say.....

I remember reading your horrific news in Tri 3, it made me cry then and I am sat in tears at my desk now.

I am so sorry for your loss, you will probably hear this a lot and I hope it doesn't become meaningless to you. No woman deserves to go through this.

Would you consider joining a more generic bereavement support group? Or maybe your GP can arrange some individual counselling.

As you say what happened with you is incredibly rare but your story will certainly make me more observant

Please take care of yourself, it is natural to grieve but you must keep yourself healthy for the sake of your little boy.

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I am so sorry to read that you lost your little girl in such tragic circumstances, you picked a very pretty name to honour her, thank you for taking the time to warn us about the risks of cats even though you are in the center of your own grief. Take care, hopefully your GP can direct you towards a support group and also a number of girls on PF sadly lost their babies in Tri2 & Tri3 so I'm sure you will get support here. You are in my thoughts and prayers xx
Hi Ema, words can't begin to describe how sorry I am. God Bless your lovely baby Annabel.

Thinking of you and your family at such a sad time.

Take care of youselves xxxx
Really sorry for your loss. I do agree that people have their 20week scan and think everything is fine. I was tested for cmv toxiplasma and para virus also after I had bright bowel on my anomaly scan. It showed I had contracted it but wasn't recent. Also same for para virus. This blood test ISN'T routinely done. And there def isn't any awareness that if seen about contacting the virus and the dangers. Again I'm so very sorry 4 your loss. And you will be in my prayers xxx
God bless you and baby Annabel. I'm so sorry to read your news xx
Im so sprry for your loss. No1 should ever habe to lose their child. Thinking of you at this sad time and thank you for raising awareness at such a difficult.time xx
Oh ema that is utterly devastating. I totally agree, lots of people naively think getting past 12 weeks reaches some sort of safe point. I found out at my 20 week scan my baby had passed, and I totally understand the comfort taken from a dignified birth. Hope you got to spend some precious time together. xxx
:( im so sorry. cant imagine what you must be feeling my eary losses were traumatic enough. i have alot of respect for you and you are stronger than you think, especially being able to keep it together for your little boy . dont be aftaid of medication if you need it perhaps something to help you sleep etc for a few weeks xxx theres nothing i can say just feel so incredibly sad for you xxx i know a lady on here called simone000 has had two stillbirths , one was recent aswell :( maybe you could find support from eachother
I'm really sorry to hear your news. Annabel is a lovely name.
Aw Emma I'm so so sorry for your loss, just devastating!

I have recently been tested for Toxoplasmosis after a Tri 1 mc earlier this year and it came back positive. The Dr was so shocked as she said she's hardly ever seen it in her career. I also don't own a cat (or even like cats). I do love rare meat but defs didn't eat any whilst pregnant.

It's a great point you make about becoming more relaxed after the 12 week point. I've been pregnant 3 times but never actually made it to the 12 week mark but I always think I'd let out a sigh of relief when I do but there's so many tragic stories on here that I know I never will.

God bless your little Annabel xxx
Hey chick just wanted to send you my wishes, and hope your feeling a little better, I can't for a moment understand what. You're going through, but because of you I have now booked a midwife appointment to get tested for this as well. So thank you for telling us this story, although it's not a good one, it helps others in a god way.

Wishing you all the best xxxx
So sorry for your loss, it's just devastating. You're being very brave and i'm sure your baby girl would be so proud. Xx
I'm so terribly sorry for the loss of your daughter, such a lovely name. Wishing you lots of strength. xxx

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