ange is back hunnies......with a gorgeous henley

As long as you and Henley are fine x congratulations again x
oh sweetheart.....thank god you are okay....he is a little stunner...looks so grumpy bless him :) love that picture...he is teeny tiny.

so glad you are okay xxxx
Congrats hon and so relieved you're both ok. He's so beautiful! xxxxx
Oh brilliant so glad you finally got home and you have your gorgeous little man too, sorry you had a rough time of it that midwife needs her arse kicking anyway good to hear from you and glad to hear your OK nowXXX
Congratulations! I' so relieved everything worked out ok even though we've never chatted, but I'd read your whole thread on Henley and your hospital experience and a relieved you have him in your arms.

So happy for you and your new little addition to the family

Jolly xxx
aww bless u all,every time i check in ive even more lovely kind messages from u all,your all brilliant.thanku so much xxxxx
He is absolutely gorgeous. Shame you had such a hard time with the first midwife :)
Least you and Henley are well. x
Oh he is so so cute!! I nearly had a cry at that first picture. He's so lovely! Congrats. Glad all is ok. xxx
oh the joys!! lol middle of the night feeds...he goes back to sleep but not me,allways been like this once i get woke up it takes me hours to settle again then its time for another feed! love it tho.totally forgot about the after pains u get,mw said the more kids u have the worse it is and she's not kiddin....and my milk has just arrived oww oww oww lol,they r soo solid and sore,gonna need a over the shoulder boulder holder to support these pair! xxxx
bless ya...glsd it is all worth it, sounds awful and im xx
Hi ange Jayceesmumma sends here love and congrats text her yesterday to tell her u and Henley were doing well but couldn't get back on here to tell u !! Hope u got a bit more sleep big hugs xxx

I am here:,-1.569606

aww thanks alot hun 4 lettin her know,i was dyin 4 her to come on and see that id had him.hope she's on soon.xxxx
So glad ur okay!! He's absolutely gorgeous well done!!! Sorry u had such a horrible time babe :( its all over now and u can enjoy your little man!!!
Didn't see your last post! Been checking as much as I could to see if you were alright! Little madam has been keeping me very busy! Will put on my birth story Monday on the laptop when oh goes back to work been spending as much time with him as I can as he works 7 days a week til late :(

Congratulations again!!! :hug:
its really good to hear from u hun,cant wait to read your birth story.xxxxx
Congrats! He is so cute! So sorry you had to go through that, but glad you are both well. Well done :) x x x x
Congrats! He is so cute! So sorry you had to go through that, but glad you are both well. Well done :) x x x x

thanks alot hun,yea was pretty traumatic when they tried to induce me with that propess but in the end u forget coz he was soo worth everything i went thru,i absolutly adore my wee fella xxx

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