And the testing begins...


Jun 11, 2018
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Hello all :)

So we have reached 12 months TTC so have the kit for the OHs sperm analysis and I have to get 21 day bloods. What should I be expecting in terms of further tests over the next few months? I’m 31 and partner is 33 and neither of us have children. I’ve not even had a hint of a BFP :(

Also, my cycles are around 32-35 days. Will this not skew the 21day bloods? As I will literally have only just ovulated at 21days (assuming I am ovulating! I think I am as have done OPKs in the past and they were fine), whereas someone with a 28 day cycle will be well into their 2ww by then.... any ideas?

Thanks x
They never did 21 day bloods for me as I think I'm so bang on they are sure I'm ovulating so I just got a normal blood count test done. Husband did analysis in the clinic and repeated (waiting on results) I've had an internal ultrasound where they checked my lining and follicles. Confirmed I had ovulated from that. I'm also being sent for an x-ray of my womb on Monday to check my tubes aren't blocked. I don't think this is something they send everyone for. I had surgery years ago which concerns me something's wrong down there so they are sending me as a sort of belt and braces. Once this is done I will have a follow up and they will discuss their findings and any treatment available. Based on husbands first analysis I would qualify for IVF but it's obviously all depending on my results and losing another 4 stone (already half a stone down)

Best of luck to you both. It's a tough road! I'm finding it really hard not knowing the results instantly
I'm in the same boat, but closer to 1.5 years TTC also with cycles that were long. Now they're shorter (28-29 days) on Femara (letrozole). Hang in there, I believe it will happen! I think the 21 day bloods are to ensure that you did ovulate and your hormone levels are fine after ovulation, so the exact day shouldn't matter too much even with your longer cycle.
Barley - you are right that day 21 is based on a 28 day cycle so in your case it would be too early and you wouldn't get an accurate result. Definitely not worth the stress!! You probably want to go day 25-28 as that would be about a week after you ovulate and a week before your period. Hope that helps as GPs never tell you this.
I had my day 21 test and I’m just waiting for my GP appointment to discuss the results and next steps. OH is away this week but is calling to book his sperm analysis when he gets back. My cycle is usually 32-33 days long. It was due to start on Saturday, which it did but very very lightly. It then totally stopped except for a tiny bit of pink discharge for Sunday, Monday and this morning. I was starting to get excited that it was implantation bleeding. Then this afternoon... AF in full force. Argh! What’s with the random 36 day cycle! Feel so crappy :( I just can’t understand why it’s not happening :(
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I’m going for my day 21 bloods tomorrow although this is more like day day 25 because of the length of my cycle. They need it 7 days before your period is due, which can be difficult if you have unpredictable cycles.
Hoping you get some answers x
Yes Princess, I did something similar. Called for the results today and got told they came back normal. I’m trying to get an appointment with the GP to get it all moving forward. Found out today a member of staff is 5 months pregnant and only just realised! I’m also pretty sure another staff member is too as she keeps going to hospital appointments and I spy a small bump. Just feeling really down :(
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