And it begins..........


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2011
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Well may or may not know about my certain lack of nausea and my moaning and groaning about it..........well today it came to pay me a visit and Oh MY GOD . I have to travel 1 bus 1 train each day and i so nearly vomited up the back of the person in front of me. Just thought I would have a good old whinge but serves me right really for not having any symptoms until today.
On another note also has alot of brown discharge today...a bit worried but seeing midwife tomorrow for 1st app so it should be ok, no cramps or anything. Slightly gross but how much discharge ( such a horrible word ) have other people had?
oh dear sorry you felt so cramp with the sickness im still having brown discharge and my mw said as long as thats all it is then it will be ok as long as it isnt flowing like a period and red then you should be ok xxxx
oh no Lynette sorry to hear your feelin icky but ya did get away with it for 8 weeks ;-)

Afraid I cant offer any advice as I have not yet found a cure and am still puking troughout the day

But as they say the nausea is a good sign so hopeuflly you have nothing to worry about as far as the brown is concerne
thanks ladies, hugsy you're right i did totally get away with it for ages haha it has wiped me out today though, so much so I am off to bed hahah

thanks vikiyb, i heard it was ok as long as it wasn't accompanied by pain or red blood, its not like a period just noticed it everytim I have been to the toilet
Oh Hun I feel your pain I've only actually been sick a couple of times but the nausea comes and goes throughout the day.
I've found snacking on food so you don't get hungry helps me
Hope you feel better xxx
just tried to go bed but it didnt pan out that way, feel real ill when I lay down and now I have a banging headache lol. In a way I am glad the sickness has come, makes me believe everything is ok :-) I am sure I will survive, fruit takes the nausea away and lucozade!
I just discovered rowntrees fruit pastaels ice pops are the best thing ever, the whole thing was yummy and i ate the whole thing wihout gagging and feel fandidlytastic after it :-)
Awh bless u hope ur feeling ok! Its a good sign the hormones are kicking in :) xx
Good luck with your morning sickness. Mine was the worst from 8 to 11 weeks. Still get it once iin a while, but not every day. A for the brown discharge, I had it for about a week starting at 10 weeks (really only when I wiped tmi)... The doc sent me for an ultrasound just to be safe, and everything was fine. They said it's quite common and as long as it's not red and you don't have pain it should be fine. Xx
i feel your pain hun tho ive only chucked up a couple of times and its not too bad if i eat fruit often. problem today is im at work 9am til 7pm so wont have my fridge with me and my supply of fruit is gonna be cut off.....think im gonna feel awful later lol.

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