:'( an overdue beached whale


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2010
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i have beeen reasonably patient untill today....i am now 40 weeks and 6 days pregnant has one sweep......tehy noted the head was reaaallly down but my cervix was posterior...so planned av another sweep 2moro if not induced thursday necase...ive really had enough today, culdnt stop crying...i feel so uncomfortable , lack of sleep due to a number of things/ heart burn,/ bad hip, leg so i look ridiculous walking and no signs of baby....which is making me more worried.....plus now the worry of a csection if i get induced..can any1 offer me advice or reassurance on similar experiences?im trying everything to induce labour..... last thursday i have period like pains and crampinbg evry 5-10mins from 4pm to 12am....but nothing since.....xxx
Oh no it's horrid isn't it. Though i didi feel all weepy and sad just before I started in labour with my 2nd 2 weeks late and before my waters broke with my 3rd, like I really couldn't take any more. Hopefully it's your time.... xx

I was indiced with my 1st 16 days late and with my 3rd after 3 days of broken waters, both times with a posterior brick like cervix. The last one was a wonderful quick labour so please don't worry too much xx :hugs:
Ah Jones, chin up babes. You're on the horses back now as they say. Won't be long and it will all have been worth it. x
:hugs:Awww hun, I'd be feeling the same! Hopefully not much longer for you. I'm sure once you have LO in your arms you won't even remember feeling like this!

Good luck!

Awww you have my sympathies! Baby is obviously just very comfy in there and in no hurry to come out!! xx
Aww hun, will be all worth it in the end and we will be reading your birth story in no time. Hugs xx

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