Amelie's home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2006
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yay my beautiful lil girls home now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im sooooo stressed i want to permanently cry :cry: shes got a apnea monitor thing n its so scary when it goes off :cry: its has to be attached to her 24/7 unless she's in the bath n she'll have it for anythin from 3-12 months :shock: :cry:

and her bloody reflux shes got through all her size 4lb babygrows so she has to wear her size tiny baby (50cm) babygros now lol till i get em washed n she waked up almost every hour n so does bayley so im juggling both of them im gonna go crazy :x i havent slept at all

and i darent go to sleep incase her flippin monitor goes off n i miss it :cry: i havent had a shower either for the same reason

i cant cope with a year of this :cry:

luv brai x
awww bless you hunny im sorry to hear your a bit fed up :hug: :hug:

sending lots and lots of hugs and kisses
awww hun can ur mum not help u out
or u got ne family than can help??

i told u u should have moved to colchester id have helped u out

glad amelies home tho hun least u have all ur babies togeva
u had any more hussle from him??

Hun wish i oculd help you.
Glad you got her home now just wish you had it a little easier.
Sami went through this with Dameon you should pm her or somthing im sure she will be glad to talk to you and help you through this.
Im sure everything will be fine will jsut take a bit to get used to it
pleased to hear she's home. have u got family to help you hunny xx
Hi Sweetie, first of all big :hug: you are doing great! So pleased she is home babe xxx

With the apnoea monitor, you WILL hear it. I used to pnaic I wouldn't hear Damien's but you do, and you will wake up so fast! She is in your room yeah? Just keep her next to your bed and it will be fine babe, trust me. And problems, you know to ring 999 I'm sure. Don't ever question a problem. If she doesn't pink up as quick as you would like her too, ring them.

With her reflux and regards clothes, leave a bib on her alot of the time if you can. It will save the constant changing and her body temperature dropping everytime you do it. I used to do this with Damien and it halves the washing load.

How come she is waking every hour? I can't remember what milk she is on... remind me? Do you have her cot/moses tilted upwards at the head end?

You know where I am if you need a chat babe :hug:
awww sorry 2 hear that u r feelin down hun im sure it will get beta but glad 2 hear amelie is home hope fings get beta :hug: x x x
sarah- no i havent got any other family cept ma mum whos got to go back to work :( ive probs got cousins or sumthin but god nos where they are.. n i wish i did move to colchester hun i rly shud have

sami- thanks hun like i dno wat id do without u. im usin muslin things like u sed but sick always manages to get evriwer :( shes on aptamil n i dont know why she wakes up every hour but bayley did it till he was about 3 months aswell so just my luck hey.. ye shes defo in my room but i dont even get a chance to fall asleep either coz i put her down to sleep same time as bayley n then her monitor goes off so i get her pink n breathin agen n then shes awake :( so i have to get her back to sleep n then bayley wakes up n then amelie wakes up etc etc.. i havent been out yet coz it wud just be too stressful lol but ive got a cozy toes n evrythin like u sed

u no the monitor what do i do with that when shes in the pram - the nurse sed not to put it on soft surfaces only on hard surfaces so where in the pram can i put it?????????

thanks agen i dno wat id do without u all
luv braiana xxx
hi braiana

sounds like youre coping really well, it doesnt sound easy. well done, it'll all be worth it in the end and will get easier as they grow up


lol thanks izzy :D i sure hope it wil get easier lol

luv b x
hun at least u got all ur babies to gether i really wish i could help u out

how often does her alarm go off? have u spoken to ur HV she may have an idea like a cheap play group to send bayley and sera for a lil while so u only have to worry about emelie and get some snooze
her alarm goes off almost every time she goes to sleep so 4/5/6 times a day :shock: :cry:

ye at leas ther all together n i wish i had come to colchester hun hu nos soon as the 12 months contract on this house is up ill move to colchester lol

ye ill ask the hv bout playgroups lol sera wil b @ skl from monday every mornin 9-12 so thats sumthin i spose

luv b x

Hun i hope things work out for you im glad you have Sami to help you out with this.
best of luck hun im here if you need a chat

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