Ive been thinking about this more and I think you should trust your OH, after all he is his baby as well. As women we are all too quick to moan about when our OHs get it wrong, don't make an effort with baby (me being one of them!) so I think more credit needs to be given to them. As mums we've all got it wrong at some point or another and have learnt how to do everything with our babies through experiences and trial and error. It's only fair that OHs are given the chance to learn from these experiences as well otherwise how can we ever expect them to learn and help. I found that shutting my OH out and doing everything myself just made him feel inadequate and want to get involved less. After talking to another bloke about it all I decided to take a much more laid back approach to OH and LO and he is so much more willing and excited to get involved and help out because he knows I'm not going to criticise how he's doing everything and is learning so much quicker through experience rather than me ranting on to him about how do to do everything.
Off my soapbox now lol.
well said, i was just thinking we all use this site so much for all the things we re not sure on and learning our self so no one is born knowing what to do it really is all a learning cure for mammy's and daddy's