Am I worrying unnecassarily?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2015
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Really hoping i could learn from your experience. I am 43 and have never fell pregnant till now! I am currently about 5 weeks and stressed does not begin to cover it.
When I found out a week ago (positive home test) I immediately felt nauseous which was pretty much all the time for about 4 days and has since disappeared.
I have sore, boobs and continually get low grade period type pains and now over the last two days I have passed a small amount of brown bloody discharge. I cannot see midwife or get scan for another 2 weeks......I am going out of my mind, cannot eat or sleep and have to function as normal as too early to tell any one :(
I keep reading this is all pretty normal but really needing some reassurance thanks in advance
Hey love.

Hope your well.

I had browny coloured spotting and discharge on and off between 6 and 10 weeks. Got a scan at 7w and everything was fine. Sounds pretty normal.

If the pain gets worse or the blood changes id ring epu.

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Really hoping i could learn from your experience. I am 43 and have never fell pregnant till now! I am currently about 5 weeks and stressed does not begin to cover it.
When I found out a week ago (positive home test) I immediately felt nauseous which was pretty much all the time for about 4 days and has since disappeared.
I have sore, boobs and continually get low grade period type pains and now over the last two days I have passed a small amount of brown bloody discharge. I cannot see midwife or get scan for another 2 weeks......I am going out of my mind, cannot eat or sleep and have to function as normal as too early to tell any one :(
I keep reading this is all pretty normal but really needing some reassurance thanks in advance

Hiya, congratulations on your pregnancy. I know how you are feeling, although this is my second pregnancy I'm actually more worried this time round!
I would say all of the symptoms your having are a good sign. I am currently 9weeks and at 6weeks i too passed a little discharge tinged with pinky/brown colour. I immediately went into panic mode (I was abroad on holiday at the time), we booked a private early scan when we returned home a week later and everything was absolutely fine.
If you can book in for a private scan in your area I would recommend it as it's really helped ease my mind until the dating scan x
Thank you both, this is a massive learning curve, and just a little daunting.
Thanks again I think this forum may be a lifeline for me when stuck in limbo.
I had a little bleeding every time I went for a poo in the early weeks in my first pregnancy! Terrifying! But the little monster got through it no problem, I hope yours does too. Xxx
My stomach feels like a washing machine on spin cycle....cannot decide if its just anxiety or morning sickness :(
Congratulations on your news if the blood is brown it is old blood, but contact epu if it gets worse or goes red.

I had a bleed with my son (bright red) had meltdown in shopping centre but he was fine. The worry will continue still does and he is 21 months now.
Hi Gesic, I'm 40 and also a first timer at this baby business. I've also had some brown/beige spotting but Dr Google tells me not to panic so I'm trying my best to stay calm (though I admit I have good and bad days on the panic front!). Booking in is not til 2nd Oct which still seems an age away. We just have to keep calm and believe that nothing we're doing will affect the outcome - it's all down to that little bundle of cells to decide the future.

It's so hard not being able to tell anyone your worries isn't it. Sending you a virtual hug to be going on with :)
Pains and a lot more blood, I know this is a miscarriage have a scan tomorrow to confirm it. Totally devastated ��

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