am i way to ahead of myself?


Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2008
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started buying 6-9months clothes on sat :oops: just 3pk of neutral sleepsuits and 5pk of vests from M&S but thats 6-9months started now as tiny baby, newborn, 0-3months and 3-6months are all done really with 'enough' stuff but as its neutral im still buying i will top it up with blue or pink once babys here and i know the sex also may get prezzies etc.

but anyway my mum thinks im way to organised, lol.
No not at all! I'm not quite as organised but have loads of 0-3 and a fair bit of 3-6. It's good to be prepared ;)
I've bought 3-6 months if it's on offer. I work out what month it will be and then if it's suitable for winter or summer.
ahh glad im not the only person getting carried away then :D
We have a fair bit of 3-6 and 6-9 as not only do we want to be prepared before I'm on maternity allowance, but we never know what size the baby will be. Plus most people buy newborn or 0-3 stuff for us.
when i was pregnant with my first i brought loads of stuff all the way up to 12 months :)
sarah113 said:
when i was pregnant with my first i brought loads of stuff all the way up to 12 months :)

wow, now that is organised
way i see it is with everything i haveso far being neutral it will do for any future babys :D
i buy 12-18 month stuff if its in the sale, you just have to work out what season it will be eg summer/winter. i like to be prepared for things!
if you see a say embrace it :) Im thinking about going into all the clearance sales at the end of the summer and getting all LO's next year summer clothes and just storing them.
If you have the time now, then I would do it! 6-9 months they are so wiggly and it is difficult to browse around so I think it is a good idea :)
im the same hun but i am buying all the summer stuff in 6-9 months that is on sale now so im prepared for next summer and for half the price!x
I think you're doing the right thing. I am properly organised this time round and have sets of clothes and sleepwear upto 9 months. it'll all help when the money dwindles while on leave.

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