Am I the only one annoyed by other people?


Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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Just wondered if I am the only one that is getting fed up with other people sticking their nose in and thinking they know everything?

I am fed up of being sat eating something yummy and someone saying 'oh are you sure thats safe to eat'? aaaaarrrrggggghhhhh I swear these people would have us living on bread and water if they could......p**s off would ya

oh and they 'are you sure you should be doing that' is really starting to stress me out, along with will you be alright on your own etc......seriously people Im a grown ass woman and am perfectly capable of picking my own food and doing things for myself

Ok and breath lol sorry ladies Im just getting seriously fed up with it now, and Im not even half way through
I'm the same, I hate everyone at the mo. Especially MIL & SIL.

Just want to be left alone!!!

teampc, feel the same, everyone is an expert (or so they think)!
Glad Im not alone in my annoyance.....I have also thought of some more lol

People thinking its perfectly acceptable to touch me, just because Im pregnant, now Im sorry but you wouldnt have walked up and touched my belly before what the hell makes you think its acceptable now? MIL did it the other day when I saw her in the supermarket and quite frankly I nearly punched her.....gggrrrrrr

and when I say things like ' oh Ive started to feel the baby move' the response of, you cant have its too soon, its on your mind etc....good god, its my body and I am much more capable than you of knowing whats going on inside it
Just remembered something.......someone tried to stop me having a bit of cake the other day.......because it has eggs in it....dear god f**k off you idiot
im the same, although everyone is saying are you sure that is healthy...
Sorry but i want to eat want i want to eat not if its healthy or unhealthy!
I get how u feel with the people touching your belly, there are two people that everytime i see them gather round and look at and touch my belly, i still dont have a really big bump just yet and everytime i see them over they come stretching my top out so they can see better, i keep expecting one of them to just pull it up! I put this is the moan thread the other day... it still grips my s*** thinking about it!

Yeah i am sick of people saying oh wait until....or when its here you won't say that. You know the know it all things. Grrr xxx
My list of gripes

- MIL interfering with EVERYTHING; will I breastfeed? Can she come to the hospital? Will we call the baby X(normally something like Shabba or Tikka...), Can she take the baby to her work?

- My SIL ignoring everything I say; please don't buy any baby things, please don't ask or talk about baby names, please leave me ALONE! We got MIL a pic of baby at the 12 week scan, hubby text the pic to his Sis to show her but before he'd even got the chance to give the pic to his mum, his sis had sent the pic to her... She sent a pic of OUR FIRST BABY to hubby's Mum - she is a c u next Tuesday...! And an interfering jealous fat cow! Grrrrr! I love this thread!

- People at my work who don't have kids, yet insist on telling me what's "normal" - you don't have kids, you've not been pregnant, HOW DO YOU KNOW?!

- People touching me - GET OFF!

- People thinking they know everything. OK, so this is my first baby, I don't know what I'm doing but like YOU before me YOU also didn't know and YOU had to learn so bugger off and let me learn on my OWN!!!!

Rant over x
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Oh i feel the same! i feel like shouting 'dont you think ive read up on what i can and cant eat!'

I'm worse though, as even people I don't know, or don't speak to are annoying me. Walking down the street for example & i get stuck behind a slow person, or somebody stops in my path or an alcoholic walks past at like 9am holding a can of tennants, with spit down his chin. URGH GO AWAY! or im on the phone in reception to a client & the two annoying blonde girls at my work come in and laugh SO loud and talk so that I cant hear myself think let alone the person on the phone! for goodness sake.

and this man in his late 50's gets off at a bus stop that I pass on my way to work everyday and he has trousers on that are practically ankle swingers, HOW CAN HE NOT HAVE ONE PAIR THAT ARE LONG ENOUGH!? oh god it actually infuriates me.

haha sorry :D
Yep! It's calmed down a bit now that I'm not at work but that was the worst at times!

I'd often eat salads and have loads of mayonaise with it and the looks of horror I used to get from one woman in particular. ITS MAYO, NOT CRACK. In the end I just completely ignored all comments as it got boring Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
well ive been ten pin bowling and putting a fence up this week both i dont recommend but needs must and all that haha

might do a sky dive next week whilst eating a runny egg butty and swigging a bottle of vodka :rofl:
I went to my SIL the other day and she took the bowl of mixed nuts away from me and said I couldn't have any while I was pregnant:mad:...I went home and had a peanut butter sandwich :lol:
I'm laughing at someone telling you not to eat cake lol! Bet you told her where to go haha :D

Everyone seems to stick their nose in about everything. I think sometimes it's as if people think being pregnant is an illness or something! A woman at work wouldn't let me wheel a hoover through to the next room at the weekend and told me to sit down and watch what I'm doing. Then when I mentioned that I had sat and ate a bar of chocolate that morning she started going on about how eating badly will affect baby! It was only one bloomin bar :shock:

Ohh and the whole touching the belly thing is annoying too! There's a woman in the next block of flats to me and everytime I see her she says "how's my baby?" I know she doesn't mean any harm but he's our baby, not hers!!

I just read over this post, I sound like such a bitch lol :) xxx
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This thread has really made me laugh out loud ~ keep them coming ladies!
I have to admit the cake comment did provoke me into some choice words about them being an idiot who needed to leave me alone lol

I'm loving the bitching ladies, let it out :)
yep it annoys the hell out of me too! i had it 3 times today 'should you be eating that?' and believe it or not i usually get it from blokes! what do they bloody know!! lol x
Something always drilled into us as student midwives:

If you touch the Lady without asking her permission first and she does not appreciate it, she has every right to consider it assault.....

Maybe you could bring that up (light-heartedly ;)) in conversation next time one of these offensive people has the gall to just start feeling up you and/or your bump... I'm seriously p**d off for you all. How dare they!

Sorry, non-pregnant rant over.... :hug:
Yes I hate the toutching belly to this is my 3rd baby and I forgot how bloody annoying it is and also another anoying thing is walking through the supermarket or spmething ppl staring at my belly like I have an alien under my top or something have they never seen a pregnant bump b4!!!!!!!!!!!! my MIL is the worst with the belly touching tho I put up with it last two times but seriously if she tries stroking my belly this time she will be told even my hubby knows I hate it and I only ask him to have a little feel if baby is moving even complete strangers have done it to me in the past! Also My mum will say to me oh you should be resting more if shes round at my house while im doing all the cleaning well mother your very welcome to step in and takeover if you like otherwise iv gotta do it iv got 2 kids and my hubby at work not going to just leave it am I!! rant over feel much better now haha x
Ohh and the whole touching the belly thing is annoying too! There's a woman in the next block of flats to me and everytime I see her she says "how's my baby?" I know she doesn't mean any harm but he's our baby, not hers!!

Gah, my mam's friend does that - "Look after MY baby", "How's MY baby doing" etc. Like, I barely know you, get lost! Or well I was going to take a load of drugs and throw myself down a few staircases, but since it's YOUR baby I guess I'll take it easy. Ragh!

I also hate people touching me anyway (not including DH and people I know well and who are invited to!), and especially my tummy at the best of times, so well not having people groping at my belly now. A few weeks ago before bump really came out my MIL kept touching my belly when it was just fat!

Most people irritate me - there's a girl at my work who is due a day before me and it's like she's having a competition by herself with me to see who can be more pregnant - she's like a house and apparently has all symptoms ever more so than anyone else, and of course she feels her baby a million times more than me etc.
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