Am I .. The exception??!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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Just wondering and don't mean to upset ne1 just wondering!! I waited till I was 23 for my first time dtd and I'm still with my same partner and we just had owen! After watching this programme on tv it seems I'm the exception lol ?? I really was quite late I think lol??

Tbh in todays day and age i think yes, you may well be!!

Its kinda scary how young some people are having sex :shock:
I was 15 when I 1st dtd and I have to say if Lacey was to have sex at that age I'll ground her until she's 50! Lol! I was reading the paper earlier and there was an article about a 15 year old pregnant girl, I know this will prob come out wrong but there's no way I'd be happy if Lacey fell pregnant at that age!
I was 19 when i first dtd. I wanted to be with someone special but it didn't work out like that, by 19 i still hadn't had a bf and i ended up with a good friend, whom i no longer talk to.
I was 16, going on 17 and it was with my LOs dad. Id be ok if my LO dtd around that age.

Most people do it during sixth form for the first time I think. Or at least most people I know.
I think the main thing is that ur kids are honest and feel they can talk to you u know . But seems im a golden oldie in the age department! It's also wierd as I havent dtd with ne1 else but I reckon my partners had about 6 other partners! So I only know what I know with him if u knowwhat I mean lol! Just read something and made me curious as to whether u thought 23 was late lol x

Ive got a friend whos 23 and shes never dtd :)
I did it the night before my 16th birthday, just to rebel :) But I had been with my boyfriend for over a year and was with him for another year or so after that so it was a steady situation.
My Mum took to me to the docs to have me put on the Pill when I was 15 - she wasn't risking anything lol!
I was 17, had been with OH since I was 15, and we managed to wait two years till we felt the time was right cause we both wanted to wait till we were sure we were gonna be together x still with OH now, and expecting baby number 1! x so both me and OH are 20 and have only been with each other... You're def not the odd one out Hun, but I think it's more unusual x :)
Gosh i wish i'd have waited , i was 16 and it was awful , and then because i lacked love at home i tought sex with a male equated to the fact that they loved me doh!!!! i am instilling values into my daughter and teaching her about relationships properly and of course she gets plenty of love! I see now i'm in the right situation and after abusing my own body how sex is soooo special in a loving relationship and just how good it feels when done with love!
I was 18 and it was with my now husband!! at the time it wasnt cool but now I love the fact that he is my first and only!!
I was 16 and I it was on holiday so I never saw the lad again, which was perfect for me. I just wanted it over and done with really. You hear such horror stories at that age that all I thought was "god, I don't want to have to face them again after that!". It turned out to be not that bad but I'm glad to say that that first 2 minute encounter didn't put me off having great sex with others since! Bloody hell, just realised that's nearly 20 years ago, I feel sooooooo old now!
I was 18 and with a serious boyfriend, we were together 4 years in all. OH was 21 and with me. I'm his first, he's my second.
I was 23 as well, and we're still together now (I'm 29, and we're expecting our first). I suppose I've never been good at compromising or settling for less.

There is no WAY it would have been anything but a disaster if I'd done it at 16 just to prove a point.
I was 16 (by about a week) and was dumped a week after lol so I went out with his best mate and had a long ish relationship with him :) Safe to say neither of them are the father of my child lol!
I do think these days you tend to do it cos you will feel like your the only want that hasn't if you don't , I was 15 and was by far one of the latest out of all my friends I think in the end I did it so I fit in and could talk about it with them it's terrible now when I think and I hope my daughter never feels like that.
i was 18 and a half and had been with the guy for about 6 months, went on to be together with him for another 6 yrs but ended it cos i didnt think he would be a good dad, he was temperamental and moody and really harsh on me for the tidiness of the house and basically found fault with everything. needless to say 3 serious relationships later after endidng things twice cos the guy would not have made a good dad and once being dumped by text my current OH and i are happy and can both still count our partners on our hands. (just lol)
23 is late but if its what you wanted then be proud you waited til it was right for you, i waited for a serious relationship and am happy how it went even tho that relationship ended horribly
Just wondering and don't mean to upset ne1 just wondering!! I waited till I was 23 for my first time dtd and I'm still with my same partner and we just had owen! After watching this programme on tv it seems I'm the exception lol ?? I really was quite late I think lol??


I'd say yes but thats a good thing ... I also hope my daughter takes after you lol
I was 21, and was thinking I was way too old to not have dtd! So I kinda wanted it over and done with but the way life played out it ended up being with my 'now' hubby!

Although I wasn't his first, he wishes I had been...
I think 23 is late by todays standards but its good you waited. I was 16 and the last of all my friends, i was very proud of the fact i wasnt sleeping around and alot of my friends ended up wishing theyd waited like me. I lost it at 16 and ended up pregnant at 16 but we're still together now, married and have 2 little boys :D... I like knowing ive only been with one man and he likes that too lol

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