tenuous nick-names


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i thought it was funny that my boyf and i just referred 2 our daughter as "the popzor", heres how we got it-
her name is melissa, but from day 1 weve called her millie for short. after a few days i started calling her "milliepops" anf recently my boyf changed this to "milliepopzor"- now it was just "the popzor"! :lol:

can ne1 beat that for far-fetched nickname? (it doesnt hav 2 b ur children, just ne1 u kno)...?

Mason's nickname was spud.. then it went to spudoodle, then Doodle, then noodle, then noodle-head :lol:

Brody was minky, then pinky, then pink-rinkerton, minkerton or minkle. Also, pokey got changed to pokemon, and back again. Dunno why :oops:
My other half and I nicknamed my bump Gizmo after the gremlin because we don't know the sex and it creeps around alot.

I got the nickname of Miss Whiplash by customers at my first job (thanks to my naivety) because one of them (turned out to be a pervert, although not a nasty one) was complaining that his users weren't working on the computer system quick enough, and I joked about getting the whip out to them. It got a little embarrassing after that when he phoned up for Miss Whiplash, and the story spread round the office and to other customers. I came into work one morning and found a real whip in my top draw too. I made them take it out because I wouldn't touch it. :lol:
i dont have a nickname (not that i know of anyway) :D

my OH's is titch cos hes 6ft 3 :lol:
i call my other half noo noos it started off matt then maffinu and then maffinnuunuus and now its noo noos and he used to call me sammy then sammides and then to dee dees and its stuck its been like that for nearly 3years now...

We just call our son Mr O or Osters hes called Oliver
We called my bump bean (even when it was huge) and we still refer to Jake as bean to this day :lol:
With Lily we used to call her lily-pie or lily flower

Then as she began to walk and getting into everything I started calling her Missy which when were being playfull gets change to little Missy Moo :lol: , don't really know why.

One of my sisters is known as harmony (some of my friends even think it's her name) as we called her "Our Marnie" for years which morphed into Harmony
Erin's nickname is Buglish. It started when she was born and I called her Erin-bug, this has morphed into Erry-Bug, Buglish, Buggaboo, Boogaloo and Buggy.

At one point she even referred to herself as "Boogoo". :D

My brother's nickname is odd. His name is Alan, which we contorted to Elaine at one point, then Ally-arnetto-cornetto. He doesn't appreciate this. :D :D :rotfl:

My other brother's nickname is Bim. It's short for Bimbo which he got from the song. He used to boogy away to it when he was a toddler and so mum sang it to him and it became his name. :rotfl:
my brothers nick name is nuts or bugger his real name is Paul my sister is ginty real name samantha and my nick name is flea real name Heather, it's all down to my dad :lol: Willow gets called Wibs by dh and Conal sonny jim

So pleased we're not the only ones who do this!

We have a cat called Millie. For some reason, one day OH called her Mad-az-la - so now she gets called Dazzle.

We call Maddison Tallulah Belle or Lamb Chop! We have a Cavalier King Charles called Stanley but he gets called Goggles (his eyes go in different directions) :roll:
We call Harrison, Haribo, Harrybobble, Lil Man, Gitbag, Monkey, Bubbykins or just Bubby Boy
Good to know im not the only one!

Imogen gets called missy-moo mimmy-pops mimie immy-wimmy
when Josh was little Mum called him JJ a lot (Joshua James)

when my niece was born she started to do the same. Only thing is her initials are BJ :shock: we had to stop her quite quickly :rotfl:

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