Am I pregnant?


New Member
Sep 5, 2007
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Please help.

I came off the contraceptive pill around 6th August. My period started 15th August. I had sex without protection from 19th August onwards.

On 1st/2nd September I had 24 hours of really heavy clear discharge. Yesterday my nipples became really sore and sensitive (not my breasts).

My period is due on Wed 12th Sept.

Could I be pregnant?
sounds promising. when are u due on??
Dont get your hopes up to much because as u have recently come off the pill , all these symptoms may be your body adjusting to the new change. fingers crossed for your BFP
i say yes! but might be a bit early to pick it up? i just did a test and got a really faint line so im hoping next test will be a definate! im not even due for while yet. but i guess ideally u shouldnt test for a week or so unless ur like me and impatient!
I have also been constipated and have pains in the lower part of my stomach.

My period is due around the 12th - when can i do a test?
:wave: Hi, I had something similar to you this month, i'm due on tomorrow but last friday and saturday I had loads of clear/white discharge, more than I have ever seen before :oops: (sorry if tmi) it only lasted those two days though hmmm strange isn't it? as far as your test goes you can get some that can detect the hormones 4 days before your AF is due so you could test around the 8th. Clear blue and first response do them. If you get a negative it may just be too early but you could try again a few days later. good luck. hope you get a
As you're closer to be able to test please let me know how you get on!! xx
Hi I had my period on 1 August, normally ovulate around day 14, had some pregnancy symptoms and done 3 clear blue digital tests on 23 August and all said "pregnant". wasn't due on until 1 Sept. This was all confirmed on a 7 week scan. It apparantly takes around 2-3 week from date of conception until it will show positive on a pregnancy test. Some tests can be used up to 4 days before your period is due but the chance of them being accurate 4 days before is only 50%. Clear blue digital tests are really sensitive so it may show up earlier. Mine showed up positive a week before my period was due. good luck hope you all get the result you are looking for xxx
Hi I had my period on 1 August, normally ovulate around day 14, had some pregnancy symptoms and done 3 clear blue digital tests on 23 August and all said "pregnant". wasn't due on until 1 Sept. This was all confirmed on a 7 week scan. It apparantly takes around 2-3 week from date of conception until it will show positive on a pregnancy test. Some tests can be used up to 4 days before your period is due but the chance of them being accurate 4 days before is only 50%. Clear blue digital tests are really sensitive so it may show up earlier. Mine showed up positive a week before my period was due. good luck hope you all get the result you are looking for xxx

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