Am i pregnant ir just stressed?


Sep 26, 2006
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Hi Everyone!
This is my first post on this forum, so hello everyone!

I haven't had a proper period since the end of july.I had a small amount of spotting on 27th august until 29th.I wouldnt even really cll it a period as it wasn't the normal consitency or heavy and lasted two days.

I tested two weeks ago but the test was negative. I got married in August and to be honest i forget to take pills whilst on honeymoon and prior to the wedding. At around th 20th august i came off the pill and decided to have a bit of break and talk to the doctor about a new pill.

Anyway i have put a bit of weight on (but havent really been going to the gym as prior to wedding).Iam pretty tired all the time and hungry.My belly also feels swollen and slightly harder.
Edited as forgot to add that im feeling dizzy from time to time, having flutterings in my tummy too

Hope you can help xx :
hi georgie, welcome to the forum :wave:

it could be that your pregnant or could be your body adjusting to coming off the pill?

why dont you take another pg test if you havent tested for a few weeks, it could be that you didnt have enough HCG at the time to show up, alot of the time people dont get a positive until after their af was due. clearblue tests are normally very accurate so might be worth trying with one of those?

Does sound possible, perhaps you should try testing again it could have been when you tested last your hormone levels wernt high enough to detect, what test did you use!
Going to see the doctor would be a good idea they can look into other causes for your symptoms if your not pregnant, I am currently going through this with my doctor, I missed a period and was having alot of pregnancy symptoms tiredness sickness etc I have blood tests to rule out other causes and am waiting for a scan.
Do you want to be pregnant? Hope you get your BFP soon if thats what you want!
Thanks everyone!

Forgot to add that i went to the doctors yesterday and i'm suffering from stress at the moment. He suggested another test after 2 weeks from the last (tommorow) and to do first thing in the morning, i did it about 8pm last time.

Im also very hot during the night too and quite windy.

I used the clear blue digital last time.

I would love a bfp xx
Sounds just like what my doctors said when I went, but the waiting is so hard isnt it!
You symptoms sound promising so will keep my fingers crossed for you! My doctor told me not to take stronger painkillers than paracetamol and be careful what I eat and drink just incase, its a pain if you find out you've been doing it for nothing but beter to be safe then sorry, you doctor probably already mentioned this but thought Id say incase he didnt!
Hope you get your BFP soon!

Good luck hopefully when you test again its positive. oh and welcome :wave:
welcome to the forum
when you test again hopefully it will be a positive

Hiya :wave:

Welcome to the forum, I certainly can't wait to see your update to this post - you don;t seem to have ultra strong symptoms, but it does sound quite good.

Good luck with your test - hope you get the bfp you're longing for :pray:

Also - congrats on your recent wedding!

Em :@)
I just tested using clearblue (not digital) and staright away as soon as my urine hit the thing the not pregnant line appreared. It says in the instructions that a line should appear in the control box to say whether or not it has worked, this line didnt appear so i take it it didnt wrk! :(
Georgie said:
I just tested using clearblue (not digital) and staright away as soon as my urine hit the thing the not pregnant line appreared. It says in the instructions that a line should appear in the control box to say whether or not it has worked, this line didnt appear so i take it it didnt wrk! :(

Sounds like the test was a dud if control line didnt show, I think you can take it back to where you got it from and they have to give you another one (I could be wrong though!) Hope the next one is a BFP for you!
Argh hoe frustrating!! Def a dud test, the digital take a little while to display the result anyway.

Quick run and get another test and get back to us!!!
Oh no a Dud test! what a shame! I agree with penstraze, take it back and try again tomorrow. :pray: good luck :hug:
Sorry it was BFN for you, perhaps it is stress, or it could be too early I know the waiting is a pain, but wait two weeks and test again as doctor suggested then if still bfn and no AF go back to doctors. :hug:
you;re AF is probably out of sync as a result of you;re body changing because of coming on the pill.

Good luck though!

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