I went to bed at 9pm last night because I had pains in my tummy and wasnt feeling too good and spent most of the night up and down to the toilet. When I woke up this morning I had really sore pains in my lower back which were going through to my tummy and I got quite upset about it. DH got up and helped me out of bed and told me to phone midwife then got in shower and got ready for work. Midwife told me to make appointment with GP to see if I have a urine infection and I assumed DH would stay off work with me seeing as I was in a bit of pain but he didnt. I told him I was really upset that he was going to work when I was feeling like this and he replied 'I cant stay off work just coz you have a sore back'. I know I suffer from backache quite a lot but its a different sort of pain today and I have never asked him to stay off work before. We are now not talking, the last thing I said to him was that I wont forgive him for leaving me knowing how much pain I was in. I have to go see GP on my own and I'm feeling really sorry for myself because I feel like my DH doesnt care
Am I overreacting?
Am I overreacting?