Am I just overdoing it?? (sorry, very long)


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2006
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Hi everyone,

I have read a post on another forum, where the lady has been in hospital overnight with tightenings (about the same stage as me), and the monitors showed that she was indeed having tightenings, and she has had 2 lots of steroids just in case, and told to go in if she has any more. I have been getting tightenings as well, and now that I have seen that someone else has been in hospital because of it, I am starting to get a little concerned.

A couple/three weeks ago, I started to get tightenings, back ache and periody aches at night, which lasted for a few nights on and off. And it only happened at night. I am now convinced that this was baby engaging. This stopped for a while, and although I still got bad BHs, it was never as bad.

But, today has been awful. My bump is almost constantly tight, and I have back ache, and the periody aches. Whereas before I was getting it at night, not in the day, I am now getting this in the day.

Both midwives I have seen in the last 4 weeks have told me to go in if I get any tightenings, but I just don't know if I am overdoing things? It seems to have got worse since the schools went back, and worse still today after a nice relaxing weekend. Ds2 has blisters (from sandals he shouldn't be wearing) on his feet, and so I have pushed him up to school/pre-school and back today - probably about 2 miles altogether, and up a quite steep hill. I don't know if I am just overdoing it and my body is telling me to stop??

I want to really wait and see how it goes. DH is on a course all day tomorrow, and in Manchester on wednesday (we live in South Derbyshire), and so I don't really want to go to hospital and have to stay in, as then dh will have to miss important work things, and he won't even be able to stay with me because he will have to look after our other 3 children.

Sorry this has turned out long. I think I have worried my dh today. He keeps ringing me to check that I am okay - he got a telling off last week that he rang me too much, and so didn't ring me at all after that, so I know that he must be worried.

Sorry this turned out to be a bit of a novel!!!

Don't know what to do!

Heather x
Hi Heather

It sounds like you are overdoing it, you need to slow down now. I had this problem with my last two pregnancies, starting at 27 weeks. I ended up in hospital with my second pregnancy . The last pregnancy I managed to stay out of the hospital but I had to really take it easy at home. No lifting, no housework (eek!), and definitely no exersion of any kind.

You really should get checked out, just to make sure that the contractions aren't opening the cervix.

Take lots of magnesium, that helps to relax the muscles and stop the cramps. Hope it all settles down soon, take care. :hug:
Have a lie down for an hour or so and if the tightenings stop you probably have nothing to worry about. Other than that if you really think you might be in labour then you need to call your labour suite.
sorry i'm not knowledgeable enough to advise u really, but perhaps u are overdoing things, it must be difficult being pg with 3 children for one thing! can u get any friends & relatives to help u out? :hug:
omg you've got me really worried :shock: , I keep getting these 'tightenings' nearly every day 3 or 4 times a day and they last anything from 5mins to an hour, I assumed that they were just Braxton Hicks!!! got a docs appt on weds so will ask him then, we dont have midwifes over here.

:hug: Heather :hug:
Some of the pains you describe could also be SPD, round ligaments stretching or braxton hicks, I would suggest you see your MW or GP, or even ring NHS direct, because they are obviously concerning you and that in itself isn't good for you :hug:

You could be overdoing it, but being a mummy you don't always have the choice of rest, I see this with my pregnant best friend who has two active boys already :shock: If you can get support from friends or family, let them be there for you, so you can have an hour to yourself, get some relaxing baths and keep your feet elevated as much as possible too.

Sending very best wishes, I do hope your mind is eased real soon, and remember there are people who can help you, here, or not, so let them and don't try and do everything alone, aproblem shared and all that :hug:

Sounds like you could be over doing it hun try and take a few hours and rest ( i know its hard when you got other little ones) .
Take it easy and let us know how you get on
Katrina :hug:
It's hard to say what "overdoing it" is for everyone as we are all different but from what you've said about pushing the buggy 2 miles uphill - I think you might be. :think:

It must be difficult with a little one and being pregnant but if you can get to rest whilst your DS is at playschool try to make the most of it.

You haven't got too long to go now so at least the end is in sight. :hug:

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