Am I in early labour? **UPDATE PG 4"**


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2009
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I feel very strange writing this as its my due date and that would just be too perfect!...

...But I have been having tightenings all day on and off and now they are coming every 5 mins or so with mild cramps low down (like period pain)

I'm at the consultant tomorrow so was thinking I'm going to hang on till then as long as they dont get too painfull

What do people think? I'm very excited :)

Well, I bounced on my ball for about 15 mins and decided I needed yet another wee! When i wiped I had lots of bloody gunjy stuff :)

Rang the labour ward and they said that my cervix is opening up so a sweep tommorrow should do the job!:)
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Erin! How exciting! It sure sounds as if you are gearing up - keep us posted, I don't think you will be long before it kicks off good and proper! Woohoo! :dance:
starting labour bang on your due date would be amazing!!!!

never been in labour before but that is what I imagine I would be looking for - tightenings getting closer together and 5 mins sounds like something is happening.

i reckon as long as your comfortable you're fine to stay at home and wait to see the consultant tomorrow but I would perhaps phone the labour ward to give them a heads up??? I don't know if anyone else would do that but I am a bit of a control freak and would want them to be expecting me lol.

i'm so excited for you!
how exciting i think its the start of something yet. dont 4get uve got my number if u wanna txt me if things move fastly:dance:
how exciting i think its the start of something yet. dont 4get uve got my number if u wanna txt me if things move fastly :dance:
Thanks! I'm trying not to get too excited but every 5-6 mins is quite frequent isnt it?
I'm gonna get bouncing now.......
:yay: sounds like a good sign, maybe have a nice bath and try and get an early night? Get OH to give you a carb loaded dinner too, pasta or jacket potato is what Ill be asking for :)

I wouldnt ring the labour ward just yet myself, as long as youve not got any complications obviously. Im gonna try and stay at home as long as possible, Ive heard lots of stories about people in early labour stopping cos of the hassle of getting checked into labour ward and having an examination. I dont want to do anything that might stop it until Im sure its fully established! Or if it does stop I dont want them knowing about it and causing a fuss, I wanna do it in my own time.

But thats just my opinion!! :lol:
How wierd you said that Tiny, I have just had a jacket potato!

No, I'm not ringing. As long as they don't get too painfull I'm more than happy to be at home and talk to the consultant about it tommorow. if nothing else, hopefully these pains are making my cervix favourable for the sweep tommorow!
OOh I must be psychic!! :lol:

hope you have a good night. Wouldnt it be lovely if baby arrives before your consultant appointment :)

some baby dust for you... :dust:
Goodluck!! Sounds promising! I didn't have tightenings but had period pains like what your describing!! Goodluck again!! x x
Really hope this is it for you :D

Just keep bouncing and keep them coming nice and frequently. Due date baby would be ace. Deffinatly keep us up to date. I was wondering how you were getting on after your tightenings earlier.

Yeah how exiting all these babes being good - oooh labour watch keep us updated xxxx
How exciting - make sure you keep us updated. Hope it all goes well for you. xxxxxx
Whey!! Im hoping that you manage to do it all on your own tonight :) bloody show and every 5 minutes is a very good sign. :D
Thanks girls, I'm just soooo excited, words cant describe!

Melio - lets hope things start working for you on your due date (tomorrow!!!!!!!!)
oh thats fab news!! :yay: to have a show on your due date eh?! LUCKY!!!

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