Am i in denial or should i stay hopeful?


Well-Known Member
Apr 20, 2012
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Hi Ladies,

i have put a few posts on in here in regards to where iam in the pregnancy, (2 scans no hb booked for 3rd scan thursday and been bleeding).

I keep taking pregnancy tests, all coming back positive, which i no is not uncommon following a mc. im so scared for this scan thursday although i have already prepared myself for the worst day of my life. the bleeding hasnt been heavy as such and havent passed clots.

i have attached the pics of the test i have done since the day i found out i was preg (27th march).. its missing 4 clearblue digitals as they go off after 24 hrs.

Am i just tormenting myself by doing this or could there still be hope?


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I know how painful this is - I truly do!

BUT you cannot keep doing this to yourself.

Stop taking the tests, they aren't going to give you the answers you need.

Thursday isn't that far away and you'll have some closure then.

I am sorry this is happening to you, keep strong

i know i have now decided i wont do anymore,its just hurting me more. i just cant get it out of my head. i didnt realise how mc or the unknown in a pregnancy effected women.. i sure do now!

sorry to keep putting these posts, i just cant talk to OH about it, and i know he is right it is what it is but i just cant get my head around it xxx
i agree sweets dont do any more tests :-( dont torture yourself lovely i am so sorry you are dealing with this
Jilly there is no denying they are some mega strong positives, but honestly hun, just wait to see what happens at the scan. All this stressing won't be doing you any good, and fingers x'd nothing is wrong with baby, this stress won't be any good for baby either! Positive thoughts hun xxxxxx
do you know what, this site makes me cry, because all you ladies are so nice, and its brilliant how women from all over the country experiencing different things come together to help eachother out, even if we are cows at times hehe!

i promise you all, and to myself i will not do anymore.. gosh i feel you may all get fed up of me soon :( lol

xxx lots of love xxx
Hi hun sending you big hugs! Hang in there pretty girl! we are all here for you!
Oh Jilly , i kept on testing even after i knew i had mc'd but i thought when i saw the pos that everyone else could be wrong and that i could still be preg!

How far along are you x x x
thinking of you hun (((hugs xxx)))
aww bless u i realy do feel ur pain and by doing these tests u are just hurting urself even more, thursday is not far away now and then you can go from there, and if it is bad news then we are all here for u to help u through the bad time ahead (((hugs)))))xxxxxxx
Agree with the ladies, put the tests away and wait til thurs, you'll drive yourself mad! Ill be watching for your post on thurs and will be here for u either way xxxx

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Hey ladies got an update: half past 7 this evening i went to a&e as been passing clots today. had to give a urine sample and had a line put in and blood taken. went sat back in the waiting area. Had some locum dr come in and out not telling me anything, then she disappeared again which resulted in me crying and when she did speak it was like she doubted me! At 11pm finally had gyno come see me, lovely man who explained could have been a mc could be in the process or just bleeding naturally.he gave me an option of an internal exam with the spectulum thing and i said yes. he said i didnt have anymore clots and that my cervix wad closed. I may have already mc or might have a threatened mc but said that there is a chance of still being pregnant but the only way to find out is tge ultrasound thursday, so just have to wait home at quarter past midnight n im exhusted, physically and oh is worried because im so calm n not hysterically crying like i normally do when something bad happens, but iv had this feeling and been preparing for it, now to wait till thursday xxx
oh my goodness, what a torturous wait for you, really hope things to work out , stay strong xxxxx
So sorry hear that you are going through this at the moment. xxxxx sending you big hugs xxxxxxxx
oh hunny, your having to go through so much, it's really not fair. Try and relax today and keep yourself strong for tomorrow. thinking of you x
thank you all so very much for you kind words, it eases that pain just that little bit more. the gyno said me and my partner seemed very level headed and calm and i just said to him, i have had symptoms for the past 2 wks that suggest a mc, theres nothing anybody can do to stop it happening so its a case of getting my head back in the right place and looking forward to ttc again soon...

ill give you all a little laugh though, when i was on the bed he had his chaperon come in and she raised the bed.. my hair was stuck so as the bed went up my hair went down lol.. all the joys of hospitals hey lol xxxx
update: been passing large and medium clots allday.. think it finally over now :( xxx see you in a few months x
update: been passing large and medium clots allday.. think it finally over now :( xxx see you in a few months x
Oh no!! :( :( I'm so sorry hun. I've been there and know how you feel. Here if you need to talk about it. Best of luck!! xx

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