Am I doing right?


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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It has been a few weeks now that thomas eats his fingers/hands and leaves bad marks on them. Each time i put something close to his mouth he tries to push it into it. He will also suck his fingers very hard after a feed, which makes an awful lot of noise. He does not ask more than 35 ounces a day ( when he manages that lol) and most of the time he sleeps through.

Because he has a cold and is not drinking much ( he can't breathe if mouth is closed), i tried to give him some baby rice for the first time and he took it as if he always had some!!! He took about 6 small feeding spoons ( i did not want to put too much for the first time) and then rejected the rest so i stopped. He also drank some water mixed with prune juice aftewards, which he refuses usually.

So now my question is should i carry on giving him some baby rice or wait? He seemed to like it so i suppose i could carry on once a day until he wants more?
I'd carry on giving him baby rice especially if he is enjoying it so much. We did the same thing with Seren today, she wolfed down a few spoonfuls (although ended up with most of it on her face). I wanted to see if I could get her to 20 weeks but she was waking up loads last night and was feeding constantly so thought I'd give it a go. We can help each other out with weaning advice. :D Have included a pic of messy chops.

Hoope Thomas is better soon, poor baby colds are horrible aren't they xx
How cute she is!!!! Well i have to admit, thomas did not make such a mess, he loved it too much :wink: I wanted to film it but could not do the two at the same time lol no probs for the advice. Are you going to give it once a day or more?
LOL, I think it was more the fact dad was feeding her that she got it everywhere. Am going to keep it once a day for a week at least, am thinking also about making up some purees as well but I think I'll see how things go. She is flat out in her crib at the moment so it obviously has done some good. It tastes rank though. I made it up with formula in case she refused it and I didn't want to waste breastmilk, tasted it and nearly threw up. But she liked it so that was the main thing I guess.
I started giving Oscar a wee bit of rice just over a week ago. He took to it really well. I gave it to him for 3 days then stopped for 3. I thought that it was that that had disturbed his sleep so much.

Now he has Hipp Organic Cereal in the mornings or the afternoons. Just once a day. Will up it in a couple of weeks.
He loves his food, but I'm taking it slow. :D :D

I intend to make a "foodie" out of him!! :D
Emilia xx
Will do that for a few weeks see if he wants it!!! He is not a great fan of his milk, he might prefer baby rice!!!!

Beanie, which milk did you use? aptamil has fish oil in it that is why it tastes disgusting. cow and gate has not got any, it smells much nicer :)
it was aptimal, double ewwwww now. think i'll go back to booby milk noww i know its got fish oil in :shock:
Well yesterday thomas has 4 spoons of baby rice in the morning and 8 in the afternoon( the creche did it) With me today he wanted none, typical :wink:

How is Seren going on with hers? I found out that eating his baby rice makes him thirsty so he drinks water with juice now and we had a nice not solid pooh today just after 2 days of doing nothing :)
Yay Thomas :dance: :dance:

Seren refused to have anymore baby rice. She would turn her nose up at it so we didn't force the issue. I spoke to my HV who suggested banana all mashed up with a little water and she wolfed it down. I think it was my fault as I kept going eurgh when mixing up her baby rice, yet OH tried it and said it wasn't bad (but he has a slighlty poorer sense of smell and taste so that explains that). Am buying carrots tomorrow to give to her. She is sleeping a bit better at night, only woke up twice but that may have been due to clapol as she is teething.
I started Ruby on some baby rice 3 days ago as she kept screaming her head off around 5pmish and wanted to be constantly on my boobs but for some reason my boobs dont seem to be satisfying her in the late afternoon. Ive started to give her a bottle of formula now around that time and she gulps it down.
But she doesnt seem that interested in the baby rice, her tongue just seems to push it out. Do you think I should give up on the rice and wait a bit, maybe try again in a week or so???
Yeah I'd give it another week. The only reason I tried something else with Seren was because she was eating her rice well, but then decided she hated it and pulled the funniest of faces.
I would leave it too. Thomas opened his mouth wide to get the baby rice in, that is why i carried on. He had about 4 spoons today but it was a quite thick one ( am not very good with measures :wink: ) And he drank about 28 ounces on top of that. He was a bit grizzly today but he pushed a bit of a pooh, that is why. I hope it is not going to have an impact on his later life this pooh problem :shock: :pray:
Well I think I agree with you, going to leave it a week and try again then. I gave her some today but she doesnt even open her mouth for it just sort of smiles and makes noises and then when I do manage to get some in she pushes it out with her tongue.
She seems totally satisfied with having her one bottle of formula a day.
Thanks gals


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