am i close?


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2010
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I lost my plug about 2 weeks ago and have had contractions on and off for the past few weeks as well as braxton hicks on and off too. The contractions have only ever lasted a couple of hours then stopped so the mw hasnt examined me to see if ive dilated or not yet. Im 36 weeks tomorrow but ive been feeling really sore and heavy today and have started having a lot of clear discharge today too. After losing my plug my normal discharge seemed to stop altogether but last night and this morning i had some yellow/snottish looking stuff (sorry tmi) but now its clear but a lot more of it. I also keep getting sharp shooting pains down below every now and then and know her head is down. I have also had a pain in my back that wont seem to go away. Its all so different from my first pregnancy and know every one is different but does this sound like anything might happen soon?
The midwife has booked me in for a growth scan for next week as she thinks the baby is a wee bit small, she is measuring 33cm for 36 weeks.
I just cant seem to get comfy at all and nearly could make it up the stairs there as i felt my body was giving up on me lol. Im really sore and have a lot of pressure very low down too.
Any advice will be appreciated thanks x
Sorry i.cant help as this is my first but sounds like she is getting ready to arrive for u x
sounds like things may be slowly happening! how exciting. i cannot wait til the end of my pregnancy when all this stuff starts to happen x
Everything seems to keep starting and stopping lol
Some days i get a few "symptoms" and they come and go all day, then the next day im totally fine again! Its so confusing and annoying now as im getting fed up, ive got everything here waiting for the baby and all my friends have already had their baby girls, im the last one to go lol. I know she will come when she is ready and the whole pregnancy has REALLY flew in but its always these last few weeks that totally drag in!
Oh well, at most its only another 4 weeks to go :)
thats so exciting i think! i cant wait to not be pregnant any more. just want to meet baby! im gonna be the most impatient person at the end of pregnancy, labour symptom spotting like no ones business, and trying every thing to get labour moving! x
the weird thing is tho after you have the baby you kinda miss being pregnant. You will find yourself still rubbing your tummy like you do just now even though your babies right there infront of you lol. You will still take your time getting up out of a chair and still do pregnant stuff for a few weeks lol just through habit, you do miss the kicks and hiccups at times but obviously the baby makes up for it all!
lol yeah i guess, i just dont find myself enjoying pregnancy at all and want to feel normal again lol x
omg im exactly like you, cant win ive been getting what looks like my plug for last week then i had nothing now having lots of clear discharge loads of tightenings and pressure, im so fed up i am worried though as in my 1st pregnancy i had to be induced as my waters had been leaking gradually i knew this i felt 'wet' all the time etc went to midwife twice she just said was discharge if you have any concerns at all go to a and e, but at the min all sounds like ur body preparing for labour, annoying thing is could be days could be weeks seems like mine is weeks.

but then after i had my 1st i missed being pregnant sooo much took me 9 months to persuade my husband to have another now we are nearly there i dread to think how many we will have at this rate haha xxx

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