Alton Towers


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2005
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I know this has been discussed before but I just wanted to say I went on tuesday and it was the best day out I have had for ages! I had so much fun. We left Aaron at home with my mum because I didn't think he'd enjoy it much as he wouldn't be able to do anything. So me, my hubby, brother and our friend all went. Was a long journey there and back but was so worth it! They have some amazing rides now! Went on everything and mangaged to go on air, nemesis and duel twice! I loved air so much. I've regained my total love for theme parks, so next is Thorpe Park as have heard it's now really good too. Haven't been for years! Got 5 pictures done which look brill haha. So yeah amazing! Anyone else been or going soon?
We went in June and LOVED it. Oblivion is still my favourite, although I like just makes me giggle!

I went to Drayton Manor this week, which is a Midlands theme park...we mainly went for Mason and he loved it :)

If anyone is near/in Wales...there is a wicked theme park in South Wales called Oakwood...definitley recommended!
Thorpe park is just 30 mins away from us and i love it!!! :D
Yes im going at the end of the month with the o/h and my brother i cant wait! :dance: If any ride i like it was definatley rita but my other favourites are air, nemesis im partial to oblivion cant say i ike it that much though :think: Has anyone ever been at halloween and to the lazor show and fireworks they have its fantastic would definately recommend it! :D
cassi said:
Thorpe park is just 30 mins away from us and i love it!!! :D
I used to live quite close to Thorpe park but moved right down to Devon so not so close now. Loved living so near to it though :D

Flossy I loved Rita! It was mad going so fast, one of my faves.
And mine my o/h face when we went on it last was a picture he just looks like a complete rodney!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I've regained my total love for theme parks said:
thorpe park is wicked now..its gone a 10 looping rollercoaster and a mini nemesis..and loads more big rides..the new one stealth looks brilliant i'm gonna go soon i love it! i was upset i couldnt go when i was pregnant!! lol
Stealth is the one I wanna go on, sounds brill!

Flossy my face on oblivion is quality! I wanted that pic to burn it was so bad so guess what my hubby did, handed over our photo pass voucher and got it :cry: :lol:
stealth is a launch coaster like rita, but instead of it turning into a ride with hoops etc like rita does it just goes up really high then back down again its wickeD!!!!!!! They use giant magnets to do it. Before you go on it look at the red scroller above the entrance it says "please be aware that sometimes stealth may not make it to the top, but it will roll back down safely if it dosnt" :shock: :rotfl:

It launches faster than rita aswell :D

yeah the 10 looping one is collosus its amazing!! best one along with stealth bar none, definatly get quick passes for these 2 !! If Jakob comes abit early or on time and i have a good natrual birth and am back up to health by the end of october (gives me what 2 weeks) what do you think?

Then i am going to try and go to fright night! its on halloween and its at thorpe park, it stays open till late and has all halloween shows etc and you can go on the coasters in the dark!! :D But i doubt very much il be able to go hehe i prob wouldnt even leave jakobs side for months lmao
am i right or is my hubby.

i said that we should take just kieran to alton towers or thorpe park and then just the two little ones to lego land. i dont see the point in taking the little two to thorpe park, as we will have to split up and i would get lumbered with all the baby rides whilst jon would get the big rides.

he thinks that we should take all of them to both parks, but legoland is more for the little ones not a big strapping 11 year old!!!!
did you know that at the parks now you can all Q up for the rides and when you get to the end of the Q there is a waiting area for parents with children next to the ride so 1 parent waits with the children while the other goes on the ride then when the other comes back they swap...its so you both get a chance to go on the rides without qing up twice, but i do agree it can be a hassle, i think they should have little creche's with loads of little play things etc for kiddies to go into for a few hours so adults can go on big rides, then spend the other half of the day taking kids on the little things...they have stuff like that at supermarkets and ikea i just dont know why they dont do it at theme parks? :think:
i think the thing is that these theme parks are so busy, would you want the responsibilty of looking after someones children and then sending them off with someone by mistake, i mean there are thousands of people at these theme parks
yay i'm going to fright night i cant wait :) i went to that the year before last i had a right laugh! my oh says he really wants to go again and we both want to go on stealth so i'm defo gonna go :D :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I went to alton towers on friday and it was brilliant!

The queues werent bad at all, i think the longest we waited was about 15 minutes for oblivion. I love all the rides but they're over far too quickly. it takes longer to walk through the entrance than it does to go on the ride lol. Still good though, I cant wait to go back :D
davina said:
i think the thing is that these theme parks are so busy, would you want the responsibilty of looking after someones children and then sending them off with someone by mistake, i mean there are thousands of people at these theme parks

There is regulations as to how many children can go in at one time, hence sessions of say 3 hours max to stop this from happening.
Alton Towers aint far from me :cheer: only been 3 times though but got in for free every time hehe!

I wanna go so bad now though but can't, ive had a few invites and had to turn them down :(

I love the nemisis and duel...hex is good too, pretty freaky. Corkscrew makes your head hurt though, bashes your head around a bit much :(
We are going to alton towers at the end of the month and we are paying for this ticket; Rita Speeding Ticket

Bypass admissions and get priority access on Rita – Queen of Speed, Air, Nemesis, Oblivion and The Flume! And all for only 35 pound didnt think that was too bad and i so cant wait! :cheer: And by buying them over the net and getting them posted to you there's no need to que at the gates even better!!!!! :D
When qing for rita someone has graffitied on the fencing "not tall enough to ride? you will be by the time you get to the end of the bloody queue" pmsl!!!! it really made me chuckle when i saw it
13 Alton Towers tickets for sale on ebay for £50! would make a cheap forum day out???!!!!! 17 hours left

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