Alton Towers - Yipeeeeeeee


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2007
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Well me and OH wanted to book a weekend away before I went back to work, we were going to go to the lakes or something but we always go there for weekends. Our friends mentioned they were going to Alton Towers for the weekend just before I am due back at work and invited us so we just booked up.

We'll travel down early Saturday morning and come back late on the Sunday. Jack staying with his Grandma, I'm a bit nervous about leaving him. He's stayed out overnight a few times and normally it doesn't bother me but thats because i'm 5 mins away if I am needed :? Anyway i'm sure it'll be fun!! As long as weather isn't like today Brrrrrrr
I love alton towers! I really want to go there again. I think it's a good idea leaving Jack with his grandma, last time we went there James was only a toddler and was too scared to even go on the kids rides!
Although there were 3 of us there, and we could take in turns looking after James so could still go on some rides, it's definately better when it's adults only :D

I can't wait until James and his brother are old enough to drag on the big scary rides :cheer:
have fun :cheer:
ive been to Alton towers once and id love to go again
it was a brilliant day out :D
i love roller coasters
the rides are huge so leaving jack at Grandmars is a good idea.
Im sure he'll love being spoilt by his grandparent
though im sure you'll miss hun you'll l have a great time it will be nice for you to have you OH to yourself
you can take jack when he's a bit older and will enjoy it more

sarah :wave:
I'm SO JEALOUS!!! I was supposed to be going for a weekend at Alton Towers - was meant 2 weeks after I found out i was pregnant! So we had to cancel :( was a shame and i feel like i missed my rollercoaster fix!

I'm a bit of a theme park addict.
Have a lovely time! Go on everything once for me too!
ah me and dean went there and stayed in the splash landings hotel i highly recomend it! it was amazing, they have like a lagoon bit and indoor water rides etc.
I'm so jealous :shakehead: :lol:

Before I got pregnant we had annual passes every year so we ended up there most weekends we love it! :cheer:

Never did stay over though! I'm sure you will have a brilliant time! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
My OH went to boarding school just up the road from alton towers, and they got so fed up with the school kids sneaking in they gave them all free passes so he and his friends went there every weekend. Bloody jammy git! :x

My school in Plymouth used to do a trip there every year and it was about 5 hours on the coach each way for us!
i love alton towers, we stayed over in 2006 and i loved it. we stayed in splash landings, and they had the most amazing hot buffet all you can eat mmmmmmmmmm
you lucky things, i really wish i was going, i love alton towers!!! hope you have lots of fun
I love Alton towers im going with a few friends on the 14th April
Splash Landings is the hotel we are staying in :cheer: I'm hoping the weather gets better over the next 2 weeks :pray:

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