How dark does the 2nd line have to be?!


Well-Known Member
May 9, 2006
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Hi all

I dont post much anymore coz its been so ridiculously long now I never have anything productive to say!

Anyhoo, would welcome some advice please. Last month I bought a 2 pack HPT from Superdrug which detects from the day AF is due so not an early response job. Last month tested day before AF was due - BFN and then AF arrived the next day.

This month, AF is due Tuesday. Out of curiosity, I did the other HPT and up came a 2nd line but its very very faint but definitely there and never seen a line on a HPT before ever! It came up within about a minute. That was a couple of hours ago and its faded to a thin evap-looking line now but never had an evap before either TBH! I went out on a mad drive looking for possible places to buy another test but no luck (well it was 10.30pm on a Sunday) and I cant wait till tomorrow!

So, is a line that comes up within 2 minutes defo a positive even if its faint?! I guess that's what I'm trying to ask! :pray:

p.s. Tried taking a pic but too blurry - crap camera :doh:
i think a line is a line on an hpt!!!
I would be optimistic if i were you - get yourself a digi tomorrow!
Best of luck
Thank you for your reply. I guess I keep trying to talk myself out of it because 18 months seems like such a long time and now I just dont believe it! Keep looking at the HPT and convincing myself its an evap because the line is very thin now - so frustrating. Damn it - shops should be open and selling digis at all hours for people like us!
Sounds like you got a BFP. I would suggest taking a digi tomorrow with FMU. Best of luck hun! :hug:
My faint line faded quite thin after a few hours. Test again today to make sure but I'd say congratulations! Sounds like a definite BFP! :cheer:

Have you done another test today yet?

Praying its a BFP for you :pray:

My line on my ebay cheapie was very faint but you didn't have to squint to see it so I did a digi and it was positive.

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