why now??


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2005
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Hi all well Adele is 4 years old and has been fully toilet trained from 3 years old. Over the past 4 nights she has started wetting the bed but only twice. She goes to bed at 8pm and does the toilet before going plus i wake her up when im going to bed. I dont nderstand why shes started wetting it now she has never done this Im not sure if its because were moving house or because we have told her shes going to be starting nursery when we move.

She has become very cheeky towards me and spitting at me now this just hope its just a small fase shes going through and it will pass but she really does have to start mixing withother children because shesnever around any except Colby thats why i need to get her into nursery and learn to play with other kids before she starts school next year. I cant get her to go anywhere withanyone and dancings gone outteh window she just screams and doesnt want to join in anymore.

I want her to have friends and not be like i was and was really shy and had no friends

anyway could anyone please help on what i should do about wettingthe bed all ofa sudden?
thanks girlies
She is probably worried about the move and starting nursery as you said
Children pick up allsorts of vibes from adults as well, It is a lot for a little one to take in and if the atmosphere between you and OH has been strained that could be part of it

The best thing to do is not make a thing out of it, but try and have a talk to her, just you and her and see if she tells you what is bothering her and try your best to reasure her

It probably won't last too long :hug:
Jess whos 6 suddenly started wetting the bed not long after Aimee was born. I had to make an effort to spend more time with her and not be so tied up with Aimee and it soon stopped. Hope you get it sorted soon!
weve just finnished our motherly daughter chat but she just says she doesnt know why its happening although she did say her tummy hurts, maybeits a urine infection? while im off to dign for this house im going to nip round to the doctors and get a sample sent off just incase their is something wrong. Thanks girls for replying

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