Allergic reaction


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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We had such a fright last night, I think Morgan mightve had an allergic reaction at dinner time last night :( either that or he choked and had a really unusual response to it.

I gave him puree turkey with potato and carrots, left over from our roast dinner the night before.

Within 3 mouthfuls he vomitted everywhere, I tried to catch it in his bib thinking it would be a little bit (hes quite refluxy usually) and it just kept coming :shock: then he was sneezing LOADS, it was almost like he couldnt catch his breath for sneezing enough and his eyes were half closed which freaked me out cos I thought they mightve been swelling up.

He was screaming and rubbing his eyes which were all red and his nose was streaming he just kept on screaming, the only thing that calmed him down was drinking water from his bottle.

When I have allergic reaction I get a really really itchy nose, throat and eyes and looking at him just reminded me of myself having one of my allergic moments.

The wierd part is that the only new food he had there was the turkey :confused: I spoke to the health visitor who has never heard of anyone being allergic to a meat in that way.

I was also wondering whether he choked which made him sick and he got some sick up his nose?

Whatever it was its scared the days out of me and after speaking to the health visitor Ive decided to go back to basics with his weaning and gradually build back up with a range of foods. Lucky baby's going to be having plain rice for lunch :lol:

Anyone else ever seen this before?
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not to food no my ds has allergies and his symptoms are

runny nose sneezing red watery eyes sometimes breathing difficulties red bumps like a heat lump if its something that has been in contact with skin
Oh bless him! I know someone that's allergic to poultry! So it could be that maybe! Hope he's ok te poor thing! And I hope you're ok too, i bet it was well scary! :hug:
Tiny, this sounds very similar to what happened when Emily was eating a piece of toast about 10 days ago. She had eaten quite a bit of it but then took a bit that obviously went down the wrong way! I knew she was choking as her face went bright red and was gagging. Suddenly she was very sick ( she is hardly ever sick), she was screaming and rubbing her eyes. I quickly gave her some water out of her beaker which she hardly drinks out of and she was fine! Very very scary though, I was almost crying not knowing what do do! She hasn't had toast since!

If it was a reaction, would he react so suddenly? Maybe stay away from meats for a bit. Poor Morgan :-(


If it was a reaction, would he react so suddenly? Maybe stay away from meats for a bit. Poor Morgan :-(


it can happen quick my dd did this with a peanut years back but it can also just be a case of went down the wrong way
ah its so hard to tell the difference then between allergic reaction and choking :( I had a bit of a cry about it all today. Even though its completely irrational if he does have allergies, I feel like Ive failed him :cry:
I know someone that's allergic to poultry!

My mum knows someone too. I very nearly googled it to find out :blush: you normally hear of nuts, eggs and fruits dont you. Health Visitor said it wasnt impossible but rare and shes never had a child on her caseload allergic ot any kind of meat. :roll: bloomin typical.

If it happens one more time hes going to be referred for allergy testing.
Don't be daft you, if he has got allergies it's just one of those things!! HVs are frickin useless! You can be allergic to anything lol, just cos she's not seen it don't mean it dot happen lol!
I know but I have the breastfeeding guilt! not that i couldve done anymore I dont think
I knew that's what it would be! *slaps with wet fish* you did your absolute bestest with the breastfeeding!!xx
lol thanks for the wet fishy slap! You made me giggle :hug:
Well hun 2 of my girls have/have had peanut and egg allergies and a 'hive-like' rash has been the most prominent thing. Katie took a bad reaction to peanut butter on first bite, her face went bright red and she had hives all over her body for 3-4 days despite getting piriton of the dr the next day. She was referred for allergy testing and was indeed allergic.

Eliminating is good and I wouldn't introduce turkey again until you get some piriton in the house (not sure of the age directions for use) or something else suitable. It could have been a choking this as well though :hug:
how scary and well done for accepting hte wet fish slap because indeed if he does have a little allergy you are not to blame, in any way, at all... :)
Poor Morgan, and poor you :hug: I second the wet fish! You couldn't have done anymore than you did! :hug: :hug: x

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