Allergic reaction to baby wipes


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2013
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We've used baby wipes on our son since he was born. We were never able to with our daughter, who would get bad nappy rash and bleed, but our son has never been like that. Anyhow, last week we used a different brand of wipe that we never used before and OMG, his poor skin - it just suddenly flared up and he now has this horrible nappy rash, which has big bumps. It's not bleeding, thank goodness, and once we realised it was the wipes, it hasn't got any worse. But it doesn't seem to be getting any better.

Has anyone else's LO had a reaction to baby wipes and how long did it take for the rash to go? We've been using zinc and castor oil cream, but my guess is that because his bottom is constantly covered by a nappy, this damn rash is going to take ages to go. We've had screams and crying every nappy change. Horrific. I'm thinking of taking him to the HV tomorrow as we have a drop-in clinic, but not sure if there's anything else I can do in the meantime.
Have you tried vasaline? just to form a smooth protective layer? probably soft to put on there too.
best thing ive found for nappy rash is the yellow tube beginning with M?.. minds gone blank.
Might be worth bringing him to the HV just to see what they say x

Is there anyway you can leave him without a nappy on for a little bit each day? Try and let the air dry it out a bit.
I could try leaving his nappy off, except he does at least 2 if not 3 poos every day... I've just contacted HV as the skin seems to have blisters on it now, so hopefully she'll get back to me soon.
LO reacted to everything, but so do I so hardly surprising. Nappy creams just made matters worse for us. Plain olive oil or veg oil is great. The very best thing for us has been lansinoh nipple cream!
Thanks for all your ideas. The HV thinks it might be fungal, i.e. thrush, so I've just phoned my GP and waiting for someone to call back. I do have some antifungal cream from when my daughter had ringworm, but whereas I'm happy to treat myself for stuff, I'm always wary of "playing doctor" with my children. Hopefully we can get an appointment today.
How long has he had it? I've never found HVs and doctors good at recognising allergic rashes, they are always trying to come up with another explanation.
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He's had it just under a week. We saw the nurse earlier and she prescribed hydrocortisone and clotrimazole cream, as well as Metanium. Fingers crossed it now starts to disappear!

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