long time no see..but need some advice


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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hi girls

hope your all well?

i am still ttc with no luck but needed your opinion on something.

to date

had period starting 17th august.

lots of ttc followed.

did pg test with clearblue on 11th..got very faint line

on wednesday 12th september had spotting and thought af was starting...but it didnt.

thursday 13th did another test by bfn.

saturday 15th thought af was getting me but very light and stoppped.

sunday 16th did pg test but bfn

just very light spotting since..brown.

today did pg test and after 5 mins light bfp.....its an asda test.

just to recap

af due 14th no af yet just light spotting on and off. plus some postive some negative results.

what do you think?

just went and bought another two tests. ones a first response. that has a very very faint line.
:wave: welcome back!

sounds promising- fingers crossed for you.

I found that the tesco tests were just as sensitive as clear blue and loads cheaper

:pray: :pray: :pray:
thanks bird.

how r you?

been off here for a while. been trying to relax but its better said than done. i have had 2 bfp on asda tests but the first responce wasnt as strong.

just hoping that i do it again in the morning and its a bigger bfp.

thanks, i do hope so. we have had so much bad luck and have been trying for a succesful pregnancy for a number of years. its been 9 month since ttc since my last baby was born too early with spina bifida. i would be so over the moon but the bleeding i had, even though light sort of threw me.
didnt recognise you with your photo. is that new. just spotted your user name...you have been on her for a while too. hows your little one?
I had feint bleeding with my pregnancy and i went on to have a healthy baby. It was like a period starting but then stopped.

Good luck :pray:
sazzleevans said:
didnt recognise you with your photo. is that new. just spotted your user name...you have been on her for a while too. hows your little one?

He's really good thanks, just started crawling!!!

It's good to see you back, I hope it's good news for you.

I had some light brown spotting very early on in my pregnancy, as well as AF/implantation pains. I think it's quite common. And a bfp is a bfp!!! Have you tested again this morning?

its nice to be back. i have not been on here for a while as i was trying not to obsess which i sometimes do on here. but here i am again after some advice.

its good to hear some other people have had bleeding too.

i havent had any blood today but coloured discharge. sorry tmi but it was brown.

i went to docs today and he has asked me to take a sample tomorrow, if its positive and bfp gets darker he said hes refer me for a scan a week friday which is really good.

did a test this morning, first responce and it was a light bfp then did another tesco test this pm and that was the same....bit too much testing but i couldnt wait.

Sounds like you are so a big Congratulations to you. :hug:
Have you still been having Acupuncture?


not sure if i am. did another test this morning and the line was even fainter. took sample to docs but have had some spotting and cramping today so maybe an early mc. you never know though.

haven been for jabbing for a while. you still going?

Yeah I'm still going. Got my fingers crossed for this month.

Hope you're ok and that your BFP sticks.

Sus x
hope you have luck this month. i am not sure. something is going on and i am def pg but it depends if the bfp getting fatter not thinner i think.

are you going to whitchurch for your needles?

Yes I'm seeing Jackie there now. She is excellent. Feel much happier going to her than M.

On day 9 today, not long until I ovulate. :D

Why have you not been for needles lately then?

Sus x
dont really know. went away on hols in june and then just never went back....think i will though and may like you go with jackie. does it help you relax?

statred bleeding heavy so think my time is up. line is still there but dont think it will be for much longer.

That's a shame. :hug: :hug: :hug:

I definately feel more relaxed in myself since I've been having Acupuncture. I would definately recommend going to Jackie because for starters she was the one that set the clinic up.

Keep your chin up.

Sus x

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