All the discomforts of pregnancy =


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2005
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Hi Girls,

Just read a post from "Lauranjamesandbaby" and it got me thinking:

Lets put all the discomforts of pregnancy together (by the way I have not experiened all of these but many of them):

Morning sickness :puke:
headaches :wall:
sore boobs :?
bad back
indigestion :shock:
weight gain
constipation :shock:
leaky bladder / more discharge :oops:
rib discomfort
bleeding gums
swelling (water retention)
funny taste in mouth
trapped wind
sore bladder
braxton hicks

.....but isn't it wonderful and well worth it when you hold that little bundle in your arms for the first time!!!!!

Symptoms???? Bring 'em on!!!!!!

Hope you are all enjoying the symptoms!

Julia xxxxx
i can add figgety legs,
the complete desire to collapse in a heap after anything slightly physical,
and bad moods,
to that list
come on girls what can you add?


not being able to lie on your tummy (I'm making the most of it while I still can!)

dandruff!! (I can't be the only one who ONLY gets this when I'm pregnant?)
Erm...feeling like a pin cushion?.....ive had blood taken 5 times now :evil: Think ive found the sadistic midwife lol :)
Sciatica..... I hate this and have it already - didn't get it last time till much later on!

(So worth it tho!)
maybebaby said:

dandruff!! (I can't be the only one who ONLY gets this when I'm pregnant?)

Gawd I get this and usually have really oily hair.

May I add
sensitive to smells
attacting ridiculous comments/advice :roll:
Limited wardrobe
violent kicks/moves from LO
errrrm I will prob add more.
Thanks for your replies and additions, girls!

Any more welcome!!

It feels like this is the test that mother nature puts us through and the prize at the end is ..........a fabulous little bubba!!!!

Then you go onto...

sleepless nights
sore nipples
sore down below
baby belly......

But it is still soooooooooooooooooooo woth it!!!

Julia xxx
Thought id add a couple more

Funny/ changed eye sight (i personally cant play the Playstation anymore as i feel im going to throw up)

Highly sensitive emotions (the smallest of things can make me cry now)

Stretchmarks (and having to apply creams/ oils to keep them at bay)

But thinking about when i'll get to hold my LO in 14 weeks makes it all worth it :D x
I wanna add.....
Hormonal inbalance !!! Crying at baywipe adverts etc etc
Lack of breath, running up the stairs, the effort !!
claireyfairey said:
Can I add:

Hot flushes
Sweaty feet (maybe that's just me... :D )

C xxx

nope not just you! I'm going to add loss of memory and doing stupid things like putting tea bags in the fridge. Or is it just me thats lost my marbles?!
My 2 things that I experience that is just TMI for mist people to handle and make you wonder HOW people enjoy pregnancy is:



number 2 is new to me today while i was wearing a green strapless NO bra..... AT WORK ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Since becoming pregnant i've gained the urge to watch chat shows (jeremy kyle, ricki lake, sally) to comfort myself that their are people out there that are fatter, uglier, gobbier and look worse than me in lycra to make me feel i'm not the only pratt on the planet lol

can't watch makeover shows and don't get done get dom cus it makes me cry when i see other people getting emotional cus they got new wallpaper or a toilet repaired!

Tis me hormones lol (but well worth it in the end)

Sarah xxx
This morning i had a huge mood i couldnt get food into my mouth quick enough! when OH said can you do the dished i shouted P* off i NEED FOOD NOWWWW!! :oops: i was feeling like i was about to faint and had awful shakes.. poor OH jumped a mile ha! i get awful restless legs and officialy got a sore moo (vag*na) last week and it swelled up and felt like i had sunburn down there :oops: its fine now though lol. x
my skin is awful at the moment, nothing will get rid of my spots! never really had trouble with it before, either. it'll be worth it n the end though :D
A less common one but recognised symptom neverthless, Nosebleeds!!

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