To all mummies who had Bum shufflers and not crawlers, what age did you LO walk?
I went to HV to get DS weighed and asked her about his crawling, he only army crawls and half bum shuffles and half crawls (its hard to explain - he goes on one knee in crawling position, the other leg extended out to the side and uses that foot to push him along, but every few seconds sits on his bum
men) and she said ''just to warn you if he isnt crawling propery now and bum shuffels/army crawls, then he probably never will crawl or walk till he is 2''
Next she said ''does he walk when you hold his hands'' I said he does and also pulls him self up on anything and walks (abeit very slowly) round it (usually onlu if there is something Ive moved out of his reach!) so she goes ''oh eh 'might' be ok then but still be delayed''
Now Im really worried he is going to be a slow developer with walking so any other bum shufflers when did they walk please re assure me!!????
I went to HV to get DS weighed and asked her about his crawling, he only army crawls and half bum shuffles and half crawls (its hard to explain - he goes on one knee in crawling position, the other leg extended out to the side and uses that foot to push him along, but every few seconds sits on his bum

Next she said ''does he walk when you hold his hands'' I said he does and also pulls him self up on anything and walks (abeit very slowly) round it (usually onlu if there is something Ive moved out of his reach!) so she goes ''oh eh 'might' be ok then but still be delayed''
Now Im really worried he is going to be a slow developer with walking so any other bum shufflers when did they walk please re assure me!!????