All I can think about is trying again.


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2010
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Was anyone else the same after their loss? I know physically and emotionally i need to wait but that doesnt stop me from wanting!
I feel guilty that im having these thoughts already been as though its only just happened x x
Aw hunni :hugs: i was the same it made me even more eager to try again as soon as possible. Dont feel guilty hun no need to be hope i see you with a bfp very soon you deserve it xxx
tbh after my mc i had to wait 6 months for health reasons and if i hadnt been getting married ida ttc straight away... but u will get that happiness back when u pg again but it is worth the small wait hang in there even if u do a full cycle so u know dates etc it gives ur system a chance to get back into routine xx
Thank you for your advice ladies, we have spoke about trying again in the new year but that seems so far away (even though i know its not, the way times flying)
Even though im coping, deep down i feel empty :(
Im going back to work on Monday and with christmas coming up I hope it will keep my mind off things but im not holding me breath! x x
oh hun im so sorry for ur loss.. I feel tat way to and its only been 6 1/2 weeks since i lost my precious son. I dont want to replace him just to do the things i never got to do with him. I hope everyting works out for u & ur partner and 2011 will be a better year. Baby dust. We deserve happiness dont we?? Take care x
I'm sorry for your loss, try not to feel guilty. It happens unfortunately, and you deserve all the happiness with a future pregnancy! Very brave. Just try and keep your mind on Xmas and don't stress about mc. Your time will come again :) x
oh hun im so sorry for ur loss.. I feel tat way to and its only been 6 1/2 weeks since i lost my precious son. I dont want to replace him just to do the things i never got to do with him. I hope everyting works out for u & ur partner and 2011 will be a better year. Baby dust. We deserve happiness dont we?? Take care x

Thank you hun.
I was reading your post about your tatoo and that is such a lovely way to remember your little boy.
We do deserve to be happy and hopefully when we are both ready we will be, lots and lots of babydust for when you are ready :dust::dust:
Take care x x
Hi hon, totally understandable to feel that way and don't feel bad for it. Big hugs and let urself feel however u need to - it's part of healing. I found that it was only when i let myself deal with my emotions that I started to move forwards x x x
i too feel this way but i know icant immeditaly try again, i want a baby so much now even more than before....i know my body needs time now to heal again and i know that there is no point at moment as sex is very painful (tried last night with condom) so evidently i need more time, also when we do try again i have to take medicated prescribed amounts of folic acid and extra vitamins to help (hopefully) stop what happened this time happening all over again. so we think will start re trying around april as that is when little one would have been due. i still get days ijust cry. its awful feeling so much loss and yet so much want at the same time x
Aww I felt exactly the same after you after my last MC. I think we're all different and you need to do what feels right for you and your partner. Don't feel guilty, having a lot of love to give to a little person is nothing to feel guilty about. Thinking of you.xx
Aww I felt exactly the same after you after my last MC. I think we're all different and you need to do what feels right for you and your partner. Don't feel guilty, having a lot of love to give to a little person is nothing to feel guilty about. Thinking of you.xx

I think that is a lovely way to put it.

I had a mc last month and could not wait to have a full cycle so we could try again. Only you and your OH can decide what is right for you xxx
I agree that is a lovely way to put it :hug:

Im just waiting for my first af to arrive then we are going to start trying for a sticky bean so im hoping we will be trying at the beginning of the new year or maybe abit sooner :) x x

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Oww hun,

I felt exactly the same.
& found myself spending ridiculous amounts on pregnancy tests each month afterwards.

However, time is a healer & it does get easier. Don't rush yourself - its perfectly natural to go through an emotional rollercoaster before things look up :)

Hope this helps xx
Hey hun! hope your ok, just catching up on this thread as been away

Its very normal to want to try straight away, i know exactly how you feel, its all i could think about and Dr gave me all clear to if i was feeling emotionaly ready to. really feel as if it has keep me positive!

Good luck for when you start again :) x x x
Thank you for you replies. Ive been doing alot of thinking over the last few days and as much as i would love to start trying straight away(ive even tried to talk OH round), i think im definetly going to wait till after my first af to give my body chance to heal.
I think if i got pregnant straight away and something happened, i would always have in the back of my mind if i had just waited a little bit longer (not that that would be the reason why, but i would always think it) x x

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