Alex has Colic


Well-Known Member
Aug 16, 2006
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OMG we had the worst night last night! Alex had been a bit ratty all day and by 6.00 was screaming uncontrollably! We just couldnt calm him down. He was bright red in the face and looked like he was struggling to poo. We tried some dentinox colic drops in with his feed and rubbing his tummy, in the end I was walking round in circles in the kitchen singing twinkle twinkle little star, which did actually work and he slept for a few hours before waking up at 3.00 this morning screaming again. He has been like this for a few days now but last night was really bad.

We actually took him to the doctors today because we werent sure if it was a bowel problem, (probably over reacted but it really upset me not being able to help him when he was crying so much) the doctor was great and he suggested trying him on some different formula, he is on aptamil at the moment but we are trying him on SMA for a few days to see if that helps. He does think its colic and we have a windy baby and need to spend more time winding him.

I felt so helpless and useless last night. I just kept thinking that no one elses baby cries like this - at least no one that we know. I felt like I should have been able to fix it straight away.

I have also just ordered some colief drops from boots online and they should be here on monday. We also bought some anti colic teats for the bottles.

To look at him now he looks like an angel fast asleep, but I know when he wakes we are in for it again! Anyone got any tips on how to ease the colic!
just that your not alone and sometimes u just have to lay them down and let them scream themselves to sleep :cry:

im given gripe water at everyfeed and its helping with winding but he still seems to just either be asleep or awake crying

loads of hugs :hug: :hug: :hug:
Paris had colic really bad and it was awful, she used to scream and hold her breath :shock: Infacol used to work a treat though and I found that giving her a warm bath before bed helped to ease the pain (made sure her tummy was submerged). I also used to rub her tum. Also used to change her position for winding, having her lying down over my knee used to work.
The doctor said that it was okay to use gripe water, the bottle does say not for under 1 mth old babies. He is awake now and we have just given him his first feed of SMA and I stopped him after an ounce or so to give him the gripe water, he did manage to bring his wind up fairly quickly. Then I gave him some more milk and some more gripe water and again he bought his wind up, I am hoping this wasnt just a fluke and it really is working!
I know there are no miracle cures I have been reading alot about it on the net today. Its just so horrible having to look and listen to him, he looks like he is in agony!
Your doing a fantastic job,keep it up. The gripe water works really with my LO. Gently rubbing their backs whilst rocking them on one shoulder is very soothing and LO falls asleep after winding him like this. Hope the gripe water is the answer for you hun xx
Ella has colic at the moment, and she struggles to poo aswell for some reason. We mix Dentinox colic drops in with her feeds which helps bring her wind up. Also we've found a warm bath with a few drops of Lavender help, aswell as a tummy massage - rubbing above the belly button in an anti-clockwise motion. Try warm boiled water and excercising his legs in a cycle motion to try and encourage a poo. :hug: We found that once Ella had that poo she was alot better.

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