Alcohol/caffeine whilst ttc


Well-Known Member
Sep 29, 2015
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Does anyone completely change their lifestyle while ttc? Or just carry on as normal perhaps being a little more cautious, maybe not drinking to excess for example! It's the same situation I guess as the "holiday" post - don't know when you may fall pregnant!
In my last pregnancy I still had alcohol (in moderation obv) whilst ttc but at that time I didn't drink coffee as I didn't enjoy it. When I found out I was pregnant I didn't drink again until I stopped b/feeding at 5 months old.

Just wondered what others are doing
I've just tried to be a bit healthier than usual - I'm not drinking any alcohol (but don't drink much anyway), no coffee and making sure I exercise as I'm usually a bit lazy when it comes to exercising, but now I have a reason to. Oh and I've just started taking Pregnacare conception vitamins. So, yeah, not really changing my lifestyle completely, but just taking care of myself more. Hoping it might increase my chances of conceiving if I have a healthy body!
It might be an idea to cut down a little if you want to try and be healthier, I'm cutting down on alcohol purely because I'm hoping to lose more weight before we start trying (and I also want to maintain that weight until we get pregnant so won't be drinking much once I lose my weight either) however I don't think you need to cut down in case you get pregnant and don't know yet, as before you find out alcohol and caffeine won't have any effect on the baby. People who fall pregnant without trying (and so keep on drinking both) go on to have happy and healthy babies.

You've got to remember it could take years (although hopefully it won't) can you cut it out for that long without there being any obvious payback? (ie cutting it out but not getting pregnant)
I'm on my 7th pregnancy and 5 out of 7 was conceived while I was drunk lmao.
You relax more when youve had a drink and don't think about babies but you just enjoy it (in my opinion anyway)... I'm not gonna say go and get pissed to make a baby ahahaha. But just enjoy yourself more and don't stress about making babies while your making babies (easier said than done ikno) x
I'd keep a healthy lifestyle but don't ruin your life just ttc x
Everything in moderation.

Unless you are a freak like me... As soon as we start ttc I am not touching alcohol or caffeine and limit sugar right down x
I personally didn't limit alcohol or caffeine whilst ttc, but then again I've never had a huge intake of either anyway! I didn't want to limit myself or change my lifestyle too much and end up too focussed on ttc as I wanted a relaxed approach (didn't want to stress myself out with too much upset!), but since being pregnant I've not touched alcohol, and I also limit the amount of caffeine I have. That's just me personally, everyone is different :-)
I had to change my diet as I had a lot of weight to lose. I am completely off caffeine, alcohol and sugar as I'm 41 and trying to maximise my chances. There is evidence that alcohol affects your chances but plenty of women seem to get pregnant while still drinking. It does affect sperm though, so my OH is off it too (mostly!).
Changed our lifestyles completely when ttc no 2 and took 19 months. Was living as normal this time (drinking most weekends, coffee/tea everyday) and fell pregnant first try...I think best to relax and live and normal (healthy) lifestyle. A few drinks a X a cuppa f coffee won't make or break things X
In my opinion unless you have an alcohol problem and drink to excess it won't make any difference - you're either going to get pregnant or you're not. I tried all sorts when ttc my first including cutting out alcohol and caffeine and it had no effect. I did cut it out during my ivf cycle as I knew the odds were against us so wanted to feel that I'd done everything by the book. With my second I wasn't ttc and got pregnant from dtd without protection once, I was drinking alcohol and had a heavy night with an old friend a week or so after I would have conceived x


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