Aiden Conor Mulliss 31.12.2010


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2010
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First of all I'd just like to say a huge thank you to all you ladies for all your help and support over the last 9 months and a massive thank you to flexi for being my text buddy and keeping you all updated.

Right, are we sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin! (I'll try and keep it short).

Around 2am on 30th December I woke up with the worst pains I'd ever experienced! Knew straight away that these weren't Braxton Hicks, I'd take those any day! Anyway I was having contractions ten minutes apart for most of the morning and then they were five minutes apart lasting over a minute. By this point I thought I might die so rang they hospital and demanded to be seen. Got there about 11pm in absolute agony to find out I was only one cm dilated!! Was gutted :( anyway, they sent me home with co-dydramol which were absolutely useless! By 4am on 31st December I was contracting every 2minutes and these contractions were serious! Had to be taken in by ambulance and could only be seen at triage as delivery suite and birth centre were full :(
So, the wonderful midwife on triage examined me and said I was only 3cm and then my waters broke all over her hand LOL I found this hilarious as I was high on gas and air by this point! There was poo in the waters though so had to be on monitor for the whole birth. I had to wait on triage for a bed to be available on delivery with only gas and air to comfort me (which at that point didn't do much). 2hours later I was finally moved and arranged straight away for an epidural! Received that at 6:45 and the world became a much better place :)

Everything after this is a bit hazy but I remember feeling no pain for the first time in over 24hours! Not long after the epidural I felt the urge to push, the midwife examined me and said I was ready YAY not long to meet my son. Or so I thought!
Was told I couldn't push for at least two hours, I'm unsure why but I have a vague memory of it being because they were so busy. So for two hours I resisted the need to bring my little man into the world only to find two hours later that my contractions had stopped! Was given a drug to restart them and had to wait another half hour for it to work :(

By this time I was exhausted and just wanted to sleep but no, it was time!!
I managed about 10pushes and you could only just see the top of his mega hairy head! Midwife said I was doing really well and wouldn't take much longer, then his heartbeat dropped drastically and the rest becoming a blur. I remember my OH having a breakdown and leaving the room (he later told me it was because he thought wed lost him) and midwives and doctors running around. Then I remember seeing my OH come back in just as they were giving me an episotomy and his face was a picture! Anyway, they had to deliver by forceps unfortunately, but at least he is safe and well and that's all that matters really!

He was born 31st December 2010 at 12;08pm weighing bang on 8lbs :)

We have been kept in overnight for observation but were both doing really well :)

Thanks for all your kindness and love!

Love Stacey, Lee and baby Aiden x x
Congrats Hun, you did so well and he looks gorgeous in the pics on fb!! x x
Congratulations Hun xx
Aww, so lovely. Your poor OH!! congratulations to you all xx
Aww it sounds like a complete rollercoaster but so glad he's here safe and sound just in time for 2011 :)
:D it was my pleasure being text buddy lol. Just glad he's here and safe. Hope you're getting on ok, congratulations. Xxx
Congrats hunni, pics on fb of him are gorgeous! Glad your both ok and get home soon :)
I'm finally home!! These past few days have felt like 6months lol will upload some piccies tomorrow when I've had my first sleep in 72hours! Were both doing brilliantly, just glad to be home!xxx
Well girls I finally have ten minutes to upload some pics of my little man, here they are :)


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