Ahhhhh bad relaspe!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2010
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Well Im having a bit of a crap time lately as I hit a relapse a few weeks ago which came to a head last thurs when I was taken off to A&E after blacking out while we were out and came round having a pretty nasty full body spasm followed shortly afterwards by a couple more!

So after being in A&E for hours and seeing a couple of consultants they say they think things have kicked off again because Ive had to stop taking all my MS meds so having a symptom flare up! Ive got to see the Multiple Sclerosis nurses team to see if they can offer any alternitive meds while Im pregnant till I can start back on my usual meds but Im not holding my breath!

Just feeling so ill atm, the fatigue is kicking the crap out of me, the spasms are stopping me from sleeping and getting proper rest and I just feel so arrrggggghhhhhhh!

Ok whinge over!

On the plus side Baby K is doing great, my bloods seem to be getting a bit more consistant with the second lot of meds for gest diabetes and Ive just had my treatment yest for blood disorder so I hope I will be on the mend asap and back to my usual chirpy self and back to posting as usual!

sorry to hear you are poorly, get well soon :)
Sending you hugs and lurve sweetie! Keep in touch! :D

Big hugs hunni, thinking of you and hope things settle down soon!

X x x x
Sending hugs your way, hope you are feeling better soon :hug:
Hope things are looking up soon. it is really brave to sacrifice your meds and health for your unborn... and to stay so upbeat about it all too. you deserve a medal ;-)

What sort of options are they considering? sorry, dont know a lot about MS in general and none about it during pregnancy

:hugs: xxx
:hugs: vicious circle eh!! Hope your ok and start feeling better soon xx
Get well soon :hugs: xxx
EDIT: thought my post never showed...oh well you now have 2 off me :) xxx
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Sorry to hear that hun hope your feeling better soon xxxxxxxxxxxx
Hope you feel a little more normal soon Wilma - you rest and relax X
sorry to hear your not to well sending a massive hug get some rest x
Hey ladies thank you for your lovely get well messages and sorry for the delay I can reply on here via my mobile and Ive not been on my laptop for days so just catching up now! Still waiting to hear from MS nurse team to see if they can offer me alternitive meds to keep the symptoms at bay but not hopefull as all the meds are pretty strong and have side effects and other possible is steriods via IV and orally too so that will be a no no too whilst pregnant! Having said that I had my injections for blood disorder last week and slowly things seem to be improving so hoping this relapse is on its way out!

Thanks again for caring and hugs to you all xx
I feel so bad for moaning about standard preggo symptoms when you have all of this to deal with in addition to your pregancy. Things could be so much worse for me, i'd do well to remember that really!

Really hope you get some well deserved and good rest soon and feel much better.

Thinking of you.

Lex xx
Ditto Lexus! was just reading this thinking how much you have to deal with Wilma, yet you're always really possitive and chirpy in your posts.

Hope you have some luck with your meds.

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