Agnus Castus?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2011
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Hey girls, I was wondering if anyone could give me an opinion. Ive got some agnus castus as I had read so much about it. I have had no af since the 9th of May. I did used to be regular but have been all over the place post m/c in Feb. I have had bloods done and my oestrogen is borderline/low by one point. Ive done quite a bit of reading and there could be a few reasons for this. Currently waiting for a fertility appointment. I am showing no signs that af is on its way or getting any positive opks. Ive had lines, got my hopes up to go back to no lines. Im not ovulating basically.

Anyway I am considering taking the agnus castus as it does talk about balancing hormones. The only thing is Im unsure if it appears to be more for boosting proestrogen which I dont have as a problem. However Im thinking it may give me a kick start to get an af as the literature is saying thats what it does. I am not ovulating so thats the only time it says to stop taking it.

Long ramble, do u think I should start taking it or just wait till my appointment that i 'in the post'!
Hiya Laura, I'm not sure hun, I thought you had to start it on first day of cycle and stop once ov has occurred I know you must be feeling frustrated waiting for AF, fingers crossed she turns up soon so you can start it xxx

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Hey Hun,

Have a read of the post I put on Chazs 'getting left behind' post, that's the best info I found when I was researching it.

I reckon it would be worth a try, can't the docs help you though Hun?

Thanks girls! Maybe I read the information in Chaz's post and that was what prompted me to think about taking it again. It was just the bit about boosting the proestrogen I wasnt sure about. I asked my dr could she not help with me having no af and she just said it will all be looked at by the specialist. Im thinking that the agnus castus may just kick start my system but on the other hand Im worried I do something wrong!
I just went for it Hun, with the AC and the Progesterone the worst that would happen to me was I would completely mess up my cycle and the best a BFP.

At the end of the day your cycles already messed up so you're not gonna be worse off.

Take it til you OV, I don't OV earlier on it I OV later so just use OPKs and keep taking til you get a positive OPK.

Very true, I have no cycle and Im not ovulating so whats really to mess up! Look how well it did for you to take the gamble!
Sorry another question for you Maybe. It says take 2 capsules twice a day on my tub from Holland and Barrat. Did u take 4 a day?
I am sure it is 2 tablets twice a day hun xx

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Pending on the brand I took Agnus castus twice a day. My AF was irregular and it did help but I was ov'ing so infrequently I didn't stop taking it as most to till the point if their ovulation. Good luck with it, I would add royal jelly to the mix it's good for building a strong uterus and healthy eggs. Good luck and fingers crossed you get a sticky soonxxxx
Thanks Sunbeam. Ill try Royal Jelly too! Is that capsules too? Would I get them in Holland and Barrat?
I'm.interested in reading more about the royal jelly x

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Yeah they sell the royal jelly in holland and barratt too, I think for those ones you can take up to two a day but it depends on the brand. I was on some which were one a day and the ones from holland and barratt were twice a day.

With Agnus castus I was on 1000mg a day but that's because I needed to give AF a good kick start but some people have good results with half of it. I'm sure your body is a bit stressed at the mo after May (big hugs) so with a bit of tlc you should get back normal xxx
Thanks Sunbeam, Im heading to Holland and Barratt today!

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