Agnus Castus Advice Please...

Little miss pink

Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2006
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Hello :wave:

I've just bought the liquid version of agnus castus but it didn't come with any instructions. Does anyone know how to take it and how much to take of it and when etc etc etc !

It looks horrid so I'm hoping the answer is one drop in a nice fruity drink once a cycle :rotfl:

Bex :D
I got it off a heath website online (cannot remeber the name I'll check the receipt tonight).

........... there's a tablet version :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall: :wall:

typical :roll:

Bex :D
I thought there was syrup or liquid drops and i thought i remembered a post about someone saying the liquid one gets in your system faster but I think I've got myself confuzzed again.

So is not one on the liquid version then? I cannot believe it came with no insturctions........... off to do a web searchie to see if theres any on there!

holloand and barret do this.. all their tablets come with take 1 per day whatever.. but they dont tell u what they r for.. lol.. i forget i got a cabinet full of health tabs lol..
they're not allowed to claim they do very much, it's against the law! but you're right, I think they should write on them, 'this is a traditional herbal remedy used for x,' they do on some of them I think.
I took the drops. The lady selling them was very helpful, she said to take 15 drops in a little water 1st thing in the morning as that's when your pituartary (sp?) gland is most active. Hope that helps. BTW the taste takes some getting used to so maybe the fruity drink is a good idea. Wish I'd thought of that!!! :roll:
Trudyscrumptious76 said:
I took the drops. The lady selling them was very helpful, she said to take 15 drops in a little water 1st thing in the morning as that's when your pituartary (sp?) gland is most active. Hope that helps. BTW the taste takes some getting used to so maybe the fruity drink is a good idea. Wish I'd thought of that!!! :roll:

Thats great thanks for that at least i know how to take it now so it won't go to waste!

I'm going to start on CD1 is that right and take it all cycle, hope thats right

Thanks for you help!

Bex :D
That's what I was told. But I know there is some debate as to whether or not you take it for the second half of your cycle. Sorry I can't be more definite!
Trudyscrumptious76 said:
That's what I was told. But I know there is some debate as to whether or not you take it for the second half of your cycle. Sorry I can't be more definite!

No thats great thanks for you help :hug:

Bex :D

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