Aggressive Toddlers


Well-Known Member
Apr 14, 2005
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Is this normal behaviour?

On a recent visit to an indoor soft play centre Isabella was slapped round the face (very hard) and pushed over. This was done by 2 different children and they must of been around 2 years old, is this normal? Do they all go through this?
no hun they dont all go through this, hannah has never hit but has been hit by other children on a number of visits to places :x
How can you ensure your child does not become one of them?
you cant hun u just have to try and teach them right from wrong
My children have been hit and pushed over by other children too, once i went to the parents and told them what there child had done and they just looked at me as if i was stupid.
my girls are quite nasty to each other at times but not to anyone else
I think even the tamest child is going to go through a pushy stage. I was astounded when the nusery teacher took me to one side and told me Jessica had hit a boy on the arm. There has been another incident but she hasnt not done it for a while.

She was 3 before this reared its head.
Kai is aggressive to other kids and one thing I KNOW it is not the parenting that he gets, I do think it is a bit unfair to tarnish everyone with the same brush.

Kai is a bit behind with his speech and someone that is his way to communicate by pushing and pinching. We are not perfect, nobody is but I am hoping once his speech picks up then this will disappear because it is very hard to discipline a 2 year old. Every time I tell him off he just laughs in my face. I tried time-outs they don't work. I tried taking him away when he has been naughty, doesn't always work.

The other thing is that he rarely a victim, I think if he was that would have helped maybe. Not nice thing to say, but I think is true.

And he has never bitten another kid, and I think that is related to teething anyway.

Everything will even out at 3, he's not even 2 yet, so the terrible 2's have to come yet! :evil:
like u say hun alot of it is frustration, my nephew got expelled from 2 nurseries for bad behavoir and it turned out when he went to see a specialist that he had the iq of a 6 year old and he was only just 3. He ended up going into a reception class and he was fine the behaviour stopped straight away because he was being kept occupied, but on the other hand SOME of it is bad parenting, i have taught loads of kids with real problems and when you see the parents u can see y they are like they are.

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