Age of having a baby?


Active Member
Oct 10, 2008
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Hi guys, I run a forum with somebody / website too! :D
She is only young,a teenager. I'm 18, young too but with 2 kids... please don't judge me :( !
Anyway I speak to the persons mum in private message, and we were speaking about kids etc. She has three kids already... 7, 12, and almost 14 (in December). Anyway she speaks about how she would like another child, etc. Always wanted four kids, but her last child (7) hit her and her husband really hard. Thing is, she seems to sad and speaks as if she would adore another child. She is 42... what do you guys all think about that?
Absolutely nothing wrong with that. There are older people out there who have kids.
She should do whatever makes her happy.
Some people are just starting out at 42. Nothing wrong with it, so long as they are a good mummy, it dosent matter how old they are :)
:D Had my first at 37 and my second at 44! I'm 45 now with a 10 month old :D Nowt wrong with older parenting imo 8)
i think its brilliant people are ready to have children at different ages for one reason or another, i had my first at 20 and my second at 35
i wouldnt judge her for being old, nor would i judge u for being young! i kno some 17-year-old and some 40-odd-year-olds on this forum who are fabulous mummys it doesnt matter how old they are
I had my first at 25, my second at 32 and my third at 42...and I survived! I think at each age you enjoy motherhood in a different way, neither better nor worse. As I have said elsewhere, I wouldnt mind another if my body would agree to it, but I appear to have started the change, so it is unlikely. Looks like nature is taking over, so that the dippy broad doesnt have any more! :roll: :lol: :rotfl:

Scout said:
. I'm 18, young too but with 2 kids... please don't judge me :( !
Anyway I speak to the persons mum in private message, and we were speaking about kids etc. She has three kids already... 7, 12, and almost 14 (in December). Anyway she speaks about how she would like another child, etc. Always wanted four kids, but her last child (7) hit her and her husband really hard. Thing is, she seems to sad and speaks as if she would adore another child. She is 42... what do you guys all think about that?

you have asked people not to judge you as being a younger mum of 2 children so why are you asking what people think of an older mum with 3 kids? what difference does it make?????

(and I am an older mum)
Thanks everybody for the opinions. :hug:
To the above, because of somebody that goes on about my age being great older than 40 is horrendous, just hoped people here were different... which they are! :bored:
i got pg with my son at 18, had him at 19, got pregnant again at 20 and had my daughter just before i turned 21!
my mother had her first at 16, and her last at 44!!! (theres 5 of us all, but all together shes had 8 pregnancys)
Thank you guys!! :D
It seems to be that her husband isn't so sure.

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