am i right on this? sorry a bit of a ramble

ahhh, I'm not sure if Otis has started teething - don't really know what to look out for, has been waking up more (he's just waking up now!), seems bit grumpy and whingy, is drooling loads and keeps putting his hands in his mouth - ooops must go and feed Oats will be back to finish my posts in a bit...
sounds like it hun, get some anbesol liquid it stinks and he'll pull a face but its really good can get at the places better
Ta mi dear, just noticed what's up with mi ticker??
No I haven't done a montage have got a clue what to do, may look into it after crimbo, by the way where do you load your pics so you can attach them to your posts?
Will keep an eye on Otis tomorrow, fortunately Otis is due to be weighed on Thursday so if anything I'll ask the HV's there. Also I order a sling last week which all being well should arrive tomorrow so at least I can strap him to me!
Let me know when and where you've posted your montage, can't wait to see it!
that looks great hun may have to invest in one when hes haveing bad days with his teeth its hard to put him down.

Iv posted my montage its in the pics and stories section under montages on pg 2 or 3 i think its 2, bear in mind hun nowhere nr finished lol hope Otis is ok today Alfie is being a little stunner so justa quick post then playtime hes so cheeky xxx :hug:

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